一、农村建房有哪些风水禁忌,风水需要注意什么。 不管是在农村还是在城市盖房子,风水很重要~ 外部环境:周围环境要注意藏风聚气 气的风水原则是有左右的副手,必有左右的副手。前有明堂,后有靠山。 另外,要避免在有煞气的地方建房,如马路冲、死胡同、垃圾场、墓地等,房屋要平整稳固。 房子应该是长方形的,不能缺角。 房子不应该是多边形、梯形或三角形。 建房子要避免一些风水缺陷,比如开门见厕所,开门见灶台,房子的中心是楼梯,房子的中心是厕所,开门进门看厨房等风水问题。
农村盖房子的风水禁忌? 需要注意
1、坐正要旺(玄空风水)。 古书有云:先星为祸把。 《八宫镜》中有云:“阳宅门为正门,门为气口。气息微弱,就会不好。” 又曰:家门吉凶,路为助,门之方位辨。 房子要方正,怕缺角。 造型方正,工整稳重; 周边环境不错。 买房要看左手右手,左右都有楼房保护; 看山,背倚名山,坐天坐天,阳要足,阴阳要和,光要足,以添吉祥。 这里的水指厕所,火指厨房。 古书有云:水火不离十字。 意思是房子的前后左右和房子的中央不能有厨房和卫生间。 不要直接进屋。 前门正对阳台和窗户,前后门相对,前后窗相对,阳台和窗户相对。 买房子不是越大越好。 大小应根据居住在其中的人数来确定。 太大或太小都不好。 屋大人小,阴多阳少,暗疾缠绕,阴气居之; 小宅人多,阳多阴少,主人脾气不好,官祸多。 根据深圳的情况,最理想的居住面积是每人平均占用25平方米左右的可用面积。 地板应该合适。 每一层都有不同的金木水火土五行,不同的年份也有不同的五行。 以利中,运五行生地五行,辅地五行以吉祥论; 若地五行收敛,地五行泄,则为凶; 但如果地板五要素克制了幸运五要素,那就算是中等了。
宅命必配(八宅风水),《八宅风水》又名易卦风水。 东四居东四宫,西四居西四宫。 颜色宜鲜艳,外壁宜深色。 如果是这样的话,那楼就倒霉了。 10、门洞的尺寸应参照“门尺”的尺寸,家具则应参照“丁兰尺”的尺寸。 十吉祥之选:拆房应为:甲子、乙丑、丙寅、戊辰、己巳、辛未、癸酉、甲戌、丁丑、戊寅、己卯、己未、甲申、壬辰、己巳、甲午、乙未、己亥、辛丑、己卯、己酉、庚戌、辛亥、癸丑、丙辰、丁泗、庚申、辛酉、除日。 前三为避朱雀冥界、天火等火、天瘟、火星、天贼、破月、寿食、蚩尤、九地鬼、八风、正气四废、转杀、正午、和丁思锐。 择吉之事:开工破土。 益天德、悦德、天德和、悦德和、天赦、天源、悦恩、思祥、实德、三和、凯日。 极月间、土宅、破月、平日、受日、闭日、劫煞、劫煞、月煞、刑月、月倦、大好时光、天官、四荒、五坟、地符、土袋、地符地王后来用了。 平忌:适合:甲子、乙丑、丁卯、戊辰、庚午、辛未、己卯、辛巳、甲申、乙未、丁酉、己亥、丙午、丁未、壬子、癸丑、甲寅、乙卯、庚申、辛酉等日。 天德、月德、月空、天恩、十二生肖、消除、决心、毅力、成功、开日。 禁忌:地瘟、地府、地禁、地禁、大鼻、天贼、月剑、天地转煞、九地鬼与剑、破、平、受日。 桂尾、新尾、泉公安葬日不破土动工; 戊午日,黄帝卒日,不动土,是大罪。 吉事:立柱横梁。 益天德、悦德、天德和、悦德和、天赦、天源、悦恩、思祥、实德、三和、曼日。 忌建月、破月、平日、闭日、闭日、劫劫、劫月、刑月、月累、大时代,天官,四荒,五陵。
2、农村住宅不能建在山脊或山谷的出入口处,否则不仅得不到地理福分,而且居民还容易患上各种疾病,对身体健康不利。 农村住宅不应建在丁字路交叉口,即住宅前无直港或土地,否则易受风灾、火灾等灾害的影响。 房屋不宜建在死胡同的拐角处,这样的建筑物容易发生天灾人祸。 大门对面不应有树木。 因为门前的大树,既不让阳气进屋,也不让阴气出屋; 实际生活上,家人来往也不方便。 如果下雨打雷,还有雷击的危险。 秋天,落叶容易落入室内,无法保持清洁。 门前不能有枯树。 即使不是大树,从民风和风水上来说,也被认为对老年人有害。 最好连根拔起; 按照民间风水的说法,这样的房子不利于聚财。 如果实在不得已,可以在大门两侧各放一对石狮子,也可以在门后放一串九鱼武帝钱。 宅子的西北角有一棵属于妲己的大树,可以保护这宅子里的人。 如果不知道这一点,砍掉这棵大树可能会对居民不利。 村里的房子最好不要比周围的建筑物高。 实事求是地说,这种住宅也有较多的危险,比如火灾、风灾、空袭等,首当其冲,也没有高楼遮挡部分阳光。 家中有孕妇时,不宜建房或修房。 即使是小修缮(如修鸡舍、盖猪圈)也应避免。 他最直接的影响就是会导致孕妇流产。 前低后高为吉祥,前高后低则不吉利。 民间风水专家认为,这样容易造成邻里不和。 住宅基地或房屋的形状不宜前宽后窄,而应呈倒梯形,也就是俗话说的“簸箕口”形。 民间风水专家认为,这样的基地不吉利,不利于居民旺财。 1 呈三角形、前尖后宽的宅基地或房屋称为“天壁”。 民间风水专家认为,住在这样的房子里,人财两空。 屋基或屋型为方形居住,屋前有半圆形池塘或溪流,圆形的朝前,圆形的朝后,有助于居住者发财. 房子的底座或房子的形状是前后圆形,有利于居住在财富中。 房子南面有空地是吉祥的,可以安心居住。 宅院内不可有大树、枯树,否则不吉利。 住宅庭院内不宜铺设大量石板,否则不利于家庭兴旺。 1 家中引入溪水不吉利。 住宅基地或院落上不能有水井或水坑(水坑在前,水井在后)正对着院落,否则不吉利。
一、农村自建房的风水禁忌有哪些? 平房不宜建在山脊或山谷出入口处,否则不仅得不到地缘福祉,而且住户还容易患上各种疾病,对身体健康不利。 平房不要建在丁字路的交汇处,即屋前不能有直港或土地,否则容易遭受风灾、火灾等灾害。 此类房屋也可能因头晕或酒后驾车而倒塌。 汽车从对面马路直冲进屋内,导致房屋倒塌死亡。 房屋不宜建在死胡同的拐角处,这样的建筑物容易发生天灾人祸。 大门对面不应有树木。 因为门前的大树,既不让阳气进屋,也不让阴气出屋; 实际生活上,家人来往也不方便。 如果下雨打雷,还有雷击的危险。 秋天,落叶容易落入室内,无法保持清洁。 门前不能有枯树。 即使不是大树,从民风和风水上来说,也被认为对老年人有害。 最好连根拔起; 按照民间风水的说法,这样的房子不利于聚财。 宅子的西北角有一棵属于妲己的大树,可以保护这宅子里的人。 如果不知道这一点,砍大树可能会害了房子。 村里的房子最好不要比周围的建筑物高。 实事求是地说,这种住宅也有较多的危险,比如火灾、风灾、空袭等,首当其冲,也没有高楼遮挡部分阳光。 家中有孕妇时,不宜建房或修房。 即使是小修缮(如修鸡舍、盖猪圈)也应避免。 他最直接的影响就是会导致孕妇流产。 前低后高为吉祥,前高后低则不吉利。 民间风水专家认为,这样容易造成邻里不和。 住宅基地或房屋的形状不宜前宽后窄,而应呈倒梯形,也就是俗话说的“簸箕口”形。 民间风水专家认为,这样的基地不吉利,不利于居民旺财。 1、呈三角形、前尖后宽的宅基地或房屋,称为“天壁”。 民间风水专家认为,住在这样的房子里,会造成财物两失。 屋基或屋型为方形居住,屋前有半圆形池塘或溪流,圆形的朝前,圆形的朝后,有助于居住者发财. 房子的底座或房子的形状是前后圆形,有利于居住在财富中。 房子南面有空地是吉祥的,可以安心居住。 宅院内不可有大树、枯树,否则不吉利。 住宅庭院内不宜铺设大量石板,否则不利于家庭兴旺。 1 引溪水入家不吉利,住宅用地和院子里不许打水井和水坑陈奎刚
2、别墅和住宅不能建在山脊或山谷的出入口,否则不仅得不到地理福分,而且住户还容易患上各种疾病,不利于身体健康. 别墅不要建在丁字路的交汇处,即屋前不能有直港或土地,否则容易遭受风灾、火灾等灾害。 此类房屋也可能因头晕或酒后驾车而倒塌。 车从对面马路直冲进屋内,导致房屋倒塌,人员死亡。 别墅不宜建在死胡同的拐角处,这样的建筑容易发生天灾人祸。 大门对面不应有树木。 因为门前的大树,既不让阳气进屋,也不让阴气出屋; 实际生活上,家人来往也不方便。 如果下雨打雷,还有雷击的危险。 秋天,落叶容易落入室内,无法保持清洁。 门前不能有枯树。 即使不是大树,从民风和风水上来说,也被认为对老年人有害。 最好连根拔起; 按照民间风水的说法,这样的房子不利于聚财。 如果实在不得已,可以在大门两侧各放一对石狮子,也可以在门后放一串九鱼武帝钱。 乡下西北有一棵大树,是妲己的,可以保护本家的人。 如果不知道这一点,砍掉这棵大树可能会对居民不利。 村里的房子最好不要比周围的建筑物高。 实事求是地说,这种住宅也有较多的危险,比如火灾、风灾、空袭等,首当其冲,也没有高楼遮挡部分阳光。 家中有孕妇时,不宜建房或修房。 即使是小修缮(如修鸡舍、盖猪圈)也应避免。 他最直接的影响就是会导致孕妇流产。 前低后高为吉祥,前高后低则不吉利。 民间风水专家认为,这样容易造成邻里不和。 住宅基地或房屋的形状不宜前宽后窄,而应呈倒梯形,也就是俗话说的“簸箕口”形。 民间风水专家认为,这样的基地不吉利,不利于居民旺财。 1 呈三角形、前尖后宽的宅基地或房屋称为“天壁”。 民间风水专家认为,住在这样的房子里,人财两空。 屋基或屋型为方形居住,屋前有半圆形池塘或溪流,圆形的朝前,圆形的朝后,有助于居住者发财. 房子的底座或房子的形状是前后圆形,有利于居住在财富中。 房子南面有空地是吉祥的,可以安心居住。 宅院内不可有大树、枯树,否则不吉利。 住宅庭院内不宜铺设大量石板,否则不利于家庭兴旺。 1 家中引入溪水不吉利。 住宅基地或院落上不能有水井或水坑(水坑在前,水井在后)正对着院落,否则不吉利。
3、农村宅基地建房的风水禁忌 平房不宜建在山脊上或山谷出入口处,否则不但得不到地缘福气,而且住户也易患各种疾病,这对他们的健康不利。 平房不要建在丁字路的交汇处,即屋前不能有直港或土地,否则容易遭受风灾、火灾等灾害。 此类房屋也可能因头晕或酒后驾车而倒塌。 汽车从对面马路直冲进屋内,导致房屋倒塌死亡。 房屋不宜建在死胡同的拐角处,这样的建筑物容易发生天灾人祸。 大门对面不应有树木。 因为门前的大树,既不让阳气进屋,也不让阴气出屋; 实际生活上,家人来往也不方便。 如果下雨打雷,还有雷击的危险。 秋天,落叶容易落入室内,无法保持清洁。 门前不能有枯树。 即使不是大树,从民风和风水上来说,也被认为对老年人有害。 最好连根拔起; 按照民间风水的说法,这样的房子不利于聚财。 宅子的西北角有一棵属于妲己的大树,可以保护这宅子里的人。 如果不知道这一点,砍大树可能会害了房子。 村里的房子最好不要比周围的建筑物高。 实事求是地说,这种住宅也有较多的危险,比如火灾、风灾、空袭等,首当其冲,也没有高楼遮挡部分阳光。 家中有孕妇时,不宜建房或修房。 即使是小修缮(如修鸡舍、盖猪圈)也应避免。 他最直接的影响就是会导致孕妇流产。 前低后高为吉祥,前高后低则不吉利。 民间风水专家认为,这样容易造成邻里不和。 住宅基地或房屋的形状不宜前宽后窄,而应呈倒梯形,也就是俗话说的“簸箕口”形。 民间风水专家认为,这样的基地不吉利,不利于居民旺财。 1 呈三角形、前尖后宽的宅基地或房屋称为“天壁”。 民间风水专家认为,住在这样的房子里,人财两空。 屋基或屋型为方形居住,屋前有半圆形池塘或溪流,圆形的朝前,圆形的朝后,有助于居住者发财. 房子的底座或房子的形状是前后圆形,有利于居住在财富中。 房子南面有空地是吉祥的,可以安心居住。 宅院内不可有大树、枯树,否则不吉利。 住宅庭院内不宜铺设大量石板,否则不利于家庭兴旺。 1 家中引入溪水不吉利。 住宅基地或院内不可有水井和水坑(水坑在前农村房屋风水禁忌与破解,水井在后)且正对着院落,否则不吉利。
4.在农村建房有哪些风水忌讳,风水要注意什么,不管是在农村还是在城市建房,风水很重要~ 外部环境:周边环境藏风聚气要注意 气的风水原则是有左右辅佐,前必有明堂,后必有靠山。 另外,要避免在有煞气的地方建房,如马路冲、死胡同、垃圾场、墓地等,房屋要平整稳固。 房子应该是长方形的,不能缺角。 房子不应该是多边形、梯形或三角形。 建房子要避免一些风水缺陷,比如开门见厕所,开门见灶台,房子的中心是楼梯,房子的中心是厕所,开门进门看厨房等风水问题。
1、这里介绍一些与盖房有关的民间风水禁忌。 房屋不能建在山脊上。 丁字路交叉口不能建房。 也就是说,房子前面不能有直达港口或土地的通道,比如风火之类的,很容易光顾这样的房子,可能会因为对面马路的头晕或者酒后驾车而撞车. 房屋不宜建在死胡同的角落部位。 这样的建筑容易发生天灾人祸,不宜有树对着大门。 因为门前的大树,不仅不让杨奇进屋。 也会使阴气难以出门,家庭成员在实际生活中出入不便; 如果下雨打雷,会有雷击的危险。 秋叶容易落入室内,不能保持清洁。 根据民间风水,它被认为对老年人有害。 房屋入口不可正对主楼大门; 室内楼梯不可正对大门。 按照民间风水学的说法,这样的房子不利于聚财。 可以在大门两侧各放一对石狮,也可以在门后放一串九鱼五帝钱。 砍大树可能对居民不利,村里最好不要有比周围建筑物高的房子。 这种住处也比较危险,没有高楼遮挡一部分阳光。 阳气盛衰,阴阳失调,都会影响家人的健康。 家中有孕妇不宜盖房、修房。 即使是小修缮(如修鸡舍、盖猪圈)也应避免。 民间风水专家认为,这样容易造成邻里不和。
2、生活在农村的人和生活在城市里的人长期生活的环境是非常不同的,他们在生活中遇到的事情也有根本的区别。 因此,他们的认识和思想就会有根本的差异。 祖坟有一句话:元器件风水不好,下一代就不好过。 这种说法听起来像是迷信。 但是没有办法怀孕得到下一代。 但当他们请风水师调整祖坟风水时,却顺利受孕。 而许多生活在农村地区的人都亲身经历过或亲眼目睹过这样的事件。 他们也会开始关注风水,关注风水对家庭的影响。 农村人之所以比城里人更注重风水,主要原因是他们经历的风水事件更多。
3、有一点我们需要明确的是,生活在农村的人和生活在城市里的人最大的区别在于,他们长期生活的环境是非常不同的,也有根本的区别在他们生活中遇到的事情中。 的区别。 因此,他们的认识和思想就会有根本的差异。 在农村,对于祖坟有这样的说法:群体风水不好,下一代就不好过。 这种说法听起来像是迷信。 但在很多家庭中,这种感觉已经亲身体验过。 比如:在一些家庭中,夫妻备孕多年,检查了很久,却一直没有办法怀孕获得下一代。 但当他们请风水师调整祖坟风水时,却顺利受孕。 还有很多这样的例子。 而许多生活在农村地区的人都亲身经历过或亲眼目睹过这样的事件。 所以久而久之,他们也会开始关注风水,关注风水对他们家庭的影响。 综上所述,农村人之所以比城市人更重视风水,主要原因是他们经历了更多的风水事件,因此开始相信风水。 当然,生活在城市里的人不应该一味地排斥风水,而应该从客观的角度承认风水的存在,慢慢去了解风水。 或许你也可以利用风水知识来帮助我们解决一些无法解决的问题。
4、研究和调节环境中的空气场、磁场、大气、气流、声、光等多方面对人的影响的科学。 别墅装修哪些地方需要特别注意风水农村房屋风水禁忌与破解,什么样的布局可以养人聚财,卫生间的门不要对着卧室的门 卧室是起居休息的地方,卫生间卧室床头是排泄的地方,床头不宜正对门或正对着门或窗对人不利。 会给人一种不安全感,影响人的睡眠。 其次,没有隐私感。 最后,容易让冷空气涌入,侵入人体,影响人的健康。 不要对着厨房的门。 门是钱的入口。 厨房着火会烧财,影响主人家的财运。 厨房是制作一日三餐的地方。 厨房会让人没有安全感,总时不时有人从后面走来走去。 浴室不应该在房子的中间。 房子的中心就像人的心脏,卫生间是浊气产生的地方。 如果卫生间的气味向外扩散,会直接影响到整个房间。 如果心脏位置不利,自然会影响全家人的健康。 运气。
1、农村盖房子的风水是很有讲究的:如果住宅基地或房子呈三角形,前面尖后面宽,就叫天壁。 住进去后,会造成人身和财物的双重损失,尤其容易引起妇女的灾祸。 或者女性本身处于不利地位。 后尖前宽的被称为火星尾巴,这样的房子非常危险。 家人住在这里可能会自杀,患上绝症。 大树绝对不能对着大门,因为大树挡在大门前,不仅不让阳气进屋,更不让阴气出屋。 招来雷电的危险,如秋天的落叶容易落入室内,无法保持清洁。 如果房基或房屋呈三角形,前尖后宽,则称为天壁,住进去后会造成人财两空的损失,特别容易酿成灾祸。 caused by women. Or women themselves are disadvantaged. Those with a sharp rear and a wide front are called Martian tails, and such houses are very dangerous. Family members may commit suicide and suffer from terminal illness after living here. It can protect the privacy of the family, that is, the private life of the family can not be disturbed by the outside world. Because most of the two sides of the house have few openings for doors or windows, it is better to pay attention to the noise of people and cars on the road, so as not to invade people. There should never be a big tree facing the gate, because a big tree in front of the gate not only prevents Yang Qi from entering the house, but also prevents Yin Qi from coming out of the house. The danger of attracting lightning, such as autumn leaves are easy to fall into the room and cannot be kept clean. For the residential base, it is auspicious if the front is low and then high, but if the front is high and then low, it is unlucky. It is not good for a residential site or house to be narrow on the left and wide on the right, or wide on the left and narrow on the right. The sons born are either lonely or poor.
The shape of the residential site or the house is that the front is wide and the back is wide, and it is in the shape of an inverted ladder. The owner who lives in this house has no money and few people. The residential site or the house is in the shape of a ladder with a narrow front and a wide back. The owner who lives in this house is not only blessed and expensive, but also must be a vigorous person in the society. There is a big tree in the northwest of the house, which belongs to Daji. The person who has a big tree to protect the resident will bring happiness to the whole family. We have to pay attention that the houses in the village should not be taller than the surrounding buildings, or you will lose your money. In reality, such houses are also very dangerous, such as fire, wind disaster, air raid, etc., which will bear the brunt of it, and there is no shelter The conditions of sunlight, the prosperity of yang and the decline of yin, and the imbalance of yin and yang will all affect the health of the family. When there is a pregnant woman in the family, it is absolutely forbidden to build a house or repair a house, even small repairs should be avoided, even if the tiles are changed, this is a big taboo, the most direct impact is the miscarriage of pregnant women, and a one-story house must never be built on a T-shaped road The intersection, that is, the vertical point of the vertical line, that is, there should be no alleys and roads coming straight in front of the house, otherwise there will be endless disasters, such as wind disasters and fires. Special care is taken for such houses. Misfortunes will come from the sky, such as a gas car driver or a drunken driver rushing straight to the house from the opposite road. If it is not good, the house will be dumped and people will forget it. 1. If there are big roads on all four sides of a one-story house, it will ensure the privacy of the family, that is, the private life at home will not be disturbed by the outside world. Because most of the two sides of the house have few openings for doors or windows, it is better to pay attention to the noise of people and cars on the road, so as not to invade people.
The internal space of the house can be effectively used, because in addition to the west direction and the road direction, both the courtyards and indoor rooms in the southeast and north can be used effectively. 1 One-story houses should not be built on ridges or at the entrances and exits of valleys, otherwise not only will they not be able to obtain geographical blessings, but the residents will also be prone to various diseases, which is not good for people. One-story houses should not be built in the lowest part of a dead end. Such a building will cause natural and man-made disasters, as well as official complaints, bankruptcy and disability. One-story houses must not be built at the intersection of T-shaped roads, that is, the vertical point of the vertical line, that is, there must be no alleys and roads coming directly in front of the house, otherwise the disaster will be endless.
2. What are the feng shui taboos of self-built houses in rural areas? One-story houses should not be built on ridges or at the entrances and exits of valleys, otherwise not only will they not be able to obtain geographical blessings, but the residents will also be prone to various diseases, which is not good for their health. One-story houses should not be built at the intersection of T-shaped roads, that is, there should be no direct Hong Kong or land in front of the house, otherwise they will be vulnerable to disasters, such as wind disasters and fires. Such houses may also crash due to dizziness or drunk driving. The car drove straight into the house from the opposite road, causing the house to collapse and death. Houses should not be built at the corner of a dead end, as such buildings are prone to natural disasters and man-made disasters. There should be no trees facing the gate. Because the big tree in front of the door not only prevents Yang Qi from entering the house, but also prevents Yin Qi from getting out of the house; in terms of practical life, it is also inconvenient for family members to come and go. If it rains and thunders, there is also the danger of lightning strikes. In autumn, leaves tend to fall into the room and cannot be kept clean. There should be no dead trees in front of the door. Even if they are not big trees, they are considered harmful to the elderly in terms of folk customs and feng shui. It is best to uproot them; According to folk Feng Shui, such a house is not conducive to gathering wealth. There is a big tree in the northwest of the house that belongs to Daji, which can protect the people in this house. If you don't know this, cutting down the big tree may be harmful to the house. The house in the village is better not to be taller than the surrounding buildings. Realistically speaking, this kind of residence also has more dangers, such as fire, wind disaster, air raid, etc., are the first to bear the brunt, and there are no tall buildings to block part of the sun. When there are pregnant women in the family, it is not advisable to build a house or repair a house. Even small repairs (such as repairing chicken coops, building pigpens) should be avoided. His most direct impact is that it will cause miscarriage for pregnant women. It is auspicious for a residential site to be low in the front and high in the back, but unlucky if it is high in the front and then low in the back. Folk Feng Shui experts believe that this will easily lead to disharmony among neighbors. The shape of the residential base or the house should not be wide at the front and narrow at the back, but should be in an inverted trapezoidal shape, which is the "dustpan mouth" shape as the saying goes. Folk Feng Shui experts believe that such a base is unlucky and not conducive to the prosperity of the residents. 1. Residential bases or houses that are triangular in shape, with a sharp front and a wide back, are called "Tianbi". Folk Feng Shui experts believe that living in such a house will cause both loss of life and wealth. The house base or house shape is a square one to live in. There is a semi-circular pond or stream in front of the house, the circular one facing the front and the one facing the rear, which helps the occupants to make a fortune. The base of the house or the shape of the house is round in the front and the back, which is conducive to living in wealth. It is auspicious to have an open space in the south of the house, and you can live with peace of mind. There should be no big trees or dead trees in the courtyard of the residence, otherwise it is unlucky. It is not advisable to lay a large number of stone slabs in the courtyard of a residence, otherwise it will not be conducive to the prosperity of the family. 1 It is inauspicious to introduce stream water into the home.No wells and puddles are allowed on the residential site or in the yardMore Chen Kuigang
3. Homestead geomantic omen: The factor that affects the good and bad luck of the house originally belonged to the cultivated land, but the crops on the ground are not yet mature or harvested in the future, so the soil is immediately filled to lay the foundation, and the crops are buried underground to build the house, which will definitely affect the house built. Sow the seeds of disaster. Houses built on roads (even part of them) are ominous, because roads are for everyone to use for a long time, and they have a strong sense of induction. If a house is built suddenly, the people in the house will soon fall into ruin. , or a strange disease that cannot be cured. If the original site is a paddy field, the terrain is low, or a low-lying area, it must be filled before the house can be built. But if you don't pay attention to filling the soil, it will be filled with unclean soil, especially with garbage, which is filthy soil. People who live on it in the future will definitely be unhealthy, often suffer from diseases, and have poor luck. If the foundation is on the place where the ancient well used to be, and it is not properly buried, the occupants of the buildings built on this land will suffer from diseases of the eyes and ears, and even become blind or deaf. In addition, if you build a house in the forest, you must completely remove the roots. If the roots grow upwards, cover them underground, which means there is no way out, and the feeling given to the residents in the house is that there will be no future or It's very late. The houses built on the mass graves are only suitable for use by the army, schools, etc. When used as residential houses, it will be dangerous. It seems that this is the case in many cities, and the results are naturally not good. In the same way, a house built on a slaughterhouse, due to the killing of too many animals, the foundation is not clean, and the ghosts gather will make the people in the house feel uneasy. In ancient times, it was considered bad to offend the mason when building a house, because he might draw a person on the brick and press it on the wall, or draw a talisman and press it on the beam. Then in the future, this family may also suffer from continuous illness and will not be at peace. Although this is rarely the case in modern society, I would like to remind friends: if there is an accident on the construction site where the building is built, or people are injured or killed, then the future of the house is usually bad or bad.
4. Building a house in the countryside should have a large area, which is very beneficial to your living. I think the principle of building a house is: comfortable living, convenient, joyful living. It is not based on the so-called Feng Shui of building a house. The construction of each functional room is based on the convenience of use. For example, water supply and drainage should be considered in the construction of a bathroom. In the toilet, it is enough to consider the elimination of water in and out and odor.