女人额骨突出 面相(额头突出面相女人)

运势阁 阅读:68 2022-12-27 11:08:34 评论:0

面相算命图文学习要求:不要急功近利,一定要打好基础,肯下功夫背、背、练,学过的任何一课都要复习。 如果你没有学好,你就不能进行下一节课。 面相学是一种常识,并非高深莫测、神秘莫测。 面相是一个人特有的气质,表现在面部的形状或颜色上,给人一种感觉。


学习要求:不要急功近利,一定要打好基础,肯下功夫背、背、练,学过的任何一课都要复习。 如果你没有学好,你就不能进行下一节课。

面相学是一种常识,并非高深莫测、神秘莫测。 面相是一个人特有的气质,表现在面部的形状或颜色上,给人一种感觉。 自古以来,人类就有种族和文化之分,有男女老少之分,也有长相之分。 仔细观察的话,每个人的容貌都是一样的。 除了父母给我们的基因外,我们自己的精神状态也起着非常重要的作用。 所谓容貌由心生,容貌可以影响一个人的一生,气质也可以决定命运; 人的容貌气质也会变好,但如果命不好,容貌气质也会变差。 相相学可以运用在社交场合,可以结交良师益友,在事业上可以知人善用,在生活中可以趋吉避凶。

从表面上看,面相符号似乎很难学,因为它有一百多个部分,单独一个部分不容易记住,但往往同一个部分同时有多个名词。 比如鼻子,普通人说鼻子是鼻子,有两个鼻孔,但在五官中,鼻子的名词很多,在第十二宫,是疾财宫; 五山之中,是中岳嵩山; ,有山根、广电、精舍、年上、寿上、准头、兰台、亭尾; 对于男性来说,它代表着财富和事业,对于女性来说,它代表着丈夫和财富。 单鼻子的名词已经有那么多了,但是当你继续深入了解它的时候,你会发现它并不难,而且很有趣,但是必须注意一点,大多数人说某个部分是好的还是当他们见面时很糟糕。 某一年的吉凶,所以往往一针见血。 实际上,它应该与其他部分一起提及。 比如看眉毛,眉毛代表着31到34岁之间稍纵即逝的幸运。 当你看到美丽的眉毛,有结有尾巴时,你应该说31岁到34岁是幸运的,但事实并非如此。 观眉一定要一起看眼,因为在相学中,眉为君,目为臣,眉为谋,目为行。 如果眉毛好而眼睛的形状不相配,眼睛呆滞,则只是计划多而执行力不足。 能力,哪有真正的造化。 所以,配眉必须配眼睛,配鼻子必须配颧骨。

虽然人脸的形状分为数百个部分,但研究都是以部分为基础,而相学理论是以面部整体为基础,结合现代社会的各种变化,应该从从五峰顶至顶底。 天仓广而早,地阁广而迟,天贵于圆,地方而中直; 额头左右为上两宫,与早年旺盛有关,两颧骨为中二宫,主中年福禄,两颧骨为二府,掌管夜华长寿。 三停相配,五山扶朝,六府富贵。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617

天轮 天成 天象 天轮 人轮 地轮 火星 天中 太阳角

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57


流年的部位是指在脸上的位置来计算流年的吉凶。 先把脸分成左右两边,左边为阳,右边为阴。 雄性左耳1岁,雌性右耳1岁。 一般来说流年面相以男性为主,两只耳朵代表1到14岁的童年运,左耳代表1到7岁,左耳上方代表1岁和2岁,左耳中间为3、4岁,5岁起名天成,5、6、7岁起名天阔。右耳为8至14岁,顶部右耳是8、9岁的天轮,10、11岁的名人轮在右耳,右耳下的坠珠是12、13、14、14岁的地轮老的。


对于15至30岁的青少年来说,额头是幸运的。 如果额头中央推入发际线,则为15岁,命为火星。 下一个到火星的手指是 16 岁。 右额骨18岁叫月角,中间19岁叫天庭,左副角20岁太阳角太小,右副角角是21岁月角有点偏,下点天庭是左角22岁名字司空,23岁名字左丞, 24岁在右角,25岁在中正,26岁在左城。 眉尾在名字秋雨上面,右边眉尾在上面,主人27岁,明陵28岁,明印堂在眉心中间,29岁在上左发际近庙,名左善林,右发善林。 楼主今年30岁。 .

以上是15-30岁的青年,要看父母的家庭环境,有没有供养,学业有没有成功,有没有祖产,长辈的保护,这些都体现在额头上面积,所以前额要平整光滑,宽如肝。 ,从1岁到30岁是早年的名字。

三十一岁,左眉名凌云; 三十二岁,右眉名子期; 33岁,左眉尾名繁霞; 三十四岁右眉尾名彩霞。 37岁中阳,38岁右眼中阴,39岁左眼尾少阳,40岁右眼少阴, 41岁双眼中间名山恩, 42岁左眼中部名山恩明精社, 43岁右​​眼名山根中部明光寺,44岁在山根的下一个手指上,下一个是45岁,左脸颊46岁,右脸颊47岁,48岁,在鼻子上取名为准头,49岁时,左鼻名岚台,50岁时,右鼻名廷尉。

31岁到50岁以上,中期停电是一生奋斗、财富、权力集中的地方。 故眉要秀,目藏神,鼻直有肉,颧骨丰满,权财顺。

51岁鼻子朝下嘴唇朝上的明星中,52岁的左弦苦在左边一指左右,53岁的尤弦苦在右边,54岁的右弦苦岁是左贤苦。 靠近咀角的是姓世仓,右边是55岁的禄仓,鼻子两侧有两条横纹一直延伸到下巴的是法发,左边的法发是56岁,右法法57岁,靠近两边悬珠的地方叫法法虎耳,左虎耳58岁,右虎耳59岁,主口60岁,又名水星,下唇正中,61岁,名澄江。 从左边的手指在下巴和嘴巴中间到嘴角是62。 63岁左吉库,右63岁右帝库,64岁左嘴角皮尺,右65岁鹅鸭,嘴巴左下方是66岁的左金禄,右边是67岁的右金禄,左手左两指交叉的是68岁的左贵,右边是69岁的名右贵来,70岁,口下巴之间,名松堂,下巴71岁,名地阁,下巴左右两侧,称仆人,左72岁,右73岁岁,然后是颧骨,左颧骨74岁,右颧骨75岁。 76、77岁,按照十二时辰,每一个小时就是两岁,绕着整个表面一周到100岁,周而复始,但大多数人说达到75岁老的。

以上流逝部分为男性年龄段,左右为女性年龄段。 这是阴阳的原理,但是要注意一点,脸的中间是从火星的位置开始,画一条直线到下巴。 中间有十三个部分,一般叫通云观就是16岁天中,19岁天庭,22岁司空,25岁中正,28岁印堂,41岁-岁山根、44岁念尚、45岁寿尚、48岁准头、51岁仁中、60岁正口水星、61岁澄江、70岁的松堂、71岁的地格,一般在这几个年龄段都会有转机,或好或坏,尤其是印堂位如果下陷,就很不吉利,要特别注意。 面对面算命插画第2课 耳朵是关于1到14岁的童年,它代表着两件事。



一双好的耳朵应该是肉厚,轮廓清晰,垂珠紧贴脑部,大而长,无缺损,白红相间,颜色鲜艳。 并忌耳细、反廓、瘦、短、小、缺角、色暗、暗沉。 不论耳朵大小,都要轮廓分明,脑部附有坠珠,颜色鲜艳红润,厚实有力,寓意财源广进,富贵安定。


如果耳朵又薄又圆,颜色又干又黑,说明小时候环境差,父母贫穷,或不幸没有单亲或双亲,离家或在屋里长大. 如果螺旋线凹凸不平或凹陷,则意味着这一年会有疾病或家庭变化。



耳串:耳串是指挡风板突出,耳廓靠近主孝顾家,若远则主不孝。 也是主目前的运势,如颜色鲜艳,白红相间,主运势不错。


棋子耳:圆如棋子,难靠主业祖业,可白手起家,中年富贵,但须轮廓分明。 这些是支撑轮廓的耳朵。



反耳廓:耳廓向耳轮方向突出,耳轮也向耳轮方向突出。 老板不能继承家业,如果他继承了,他就会失去财产而离开,特别是如果他是长子。



总之,耳朵的形状要厚实、清晰、紧贴大脑,天轮要高于眉毛,地轮要有坠珠,颜色要有光泽,面白红相间,万事吉祥,富贵昌盛。 如果耳朵的形状是圆圆的,短而短的,短而小的,枯萎的,颜色暗灰色,则意味着主人的生活会很艰难。

额头上稍纵即逝的部分 额头是面部最重要的部位之一。 除了代表一个人的早年运势外,它也是表现思想和精神的地方。 额头要求饱满、无纹理、无破损。 额骨隆起如立壁,宽如肝盖,光滑无痣。 广则一生幸福,贵人加持,人缘好,福报深厚。 若额头短、窄、岩石、多纹、断、低、窄,表示父母长辈无力相助,主一生劳碌,做事反复,会早年离开家乡。 被它损坏。 额头歪低,主子吵闹,奸诈女人额骨突出 面相,容易招惹官吏。

火星满 15 岁







在天空中相对的左右两侧,较高的额骨,左边的太阳角代表父亲,右边的月亮角代表母亲。 如果两边的骨头都露在外面或有刺毛,说明主人公生活艰苦,环境恶劣,性格倔强。 强烈的愿望。 日月落角,主父或母早逝或运势微弱。 相叔曰:前焦彦先丧父,虽未必丧父,但父亲之情,必是软弱无助。 性格倔强,难受教化,常受挫折,稍有蛊惑,却会被小聪明误会。 对于女人来说,婚姻遇到了麻烦,别人也很难理解。


即日角与月角之间,平宽无纹,表示生意兴隆,色泽黄润; 若阴暗,则表示有官司等事。


右副角 21岁

位于日月角,是补贴日月角。 如果它很低,则意味着孩子将失去父母。 如果颜色深,说明父母有病,很难有父母帮忙。


位于天庭的小指上,光滑正直,无纹纹,无痣,表示头脑清醒,与长辈或上级关系良好。 如果有纹路和痣,主人常与长辈或上司发生摩擦。


右城 24 岁

位于前额,为后马位。 主要用于长途旅行和社交运势。 应丰满饱满,色泽鲜艳,寓意出入平安,得贵人拥戴。 远行不利,人气旺。


地处司空之下,其吉凶同司空。 将军天庭中,司空是连在一起看着的。 是官禄宫。

丘陵 26

墓 27 岁

位于眉骨的对面,预示着祖先的恩德。 应该是肉质的,光滑不凹陷,没有断纹和痣,说明祖先的阴影。


位于两眉之间的是命宫。 主过着兴衰的生活。 若适合太平盛世,必享一生福祉。



它位于耳朵对面的上太阳穴上。 它应该是肿胀的而不是凹陷的。 它是友谊的宫殿之一。 肿胀意味着出入安全。











颧骨和鼻子应该相互匹配。 有颧骨没鼻子或者有鼻子没颧骨都不是好看的。 鼻子除了显示中年运势外,还显示个人性格、自卑感、自尊心、斗志和金钱的来来去去。

鼻子是主生命的财富和健康。 就整个鼻子的形状而言,应该是丰满润泽,笔直如管,下垂如胆,不上翘不外露。 ,无论男女,除了要富贵,还要正直聪明,事业有成,与兄弟朋友和睦相处。

虽然鼻子不宜有骨感,但如果鼻梁没有骨感,则意志薄弱,容易受他人影响。 结果,善意往往会做坏事。 鼻子软的人,心也软,小有成就。 鼻子虽然挺直,但肉薄而外露,鼻梁高,表示此人自负,疏远亲戚,重复事业。


山根不可断、不可困、不可缺、不可断。 如果山根上有一道横纹,表示有一次危险,二表示有两次危险,槽深表示危险较大,纹路浅表示危险较小。

山根低:书中云:山根低,母先死;山根低,母先死。 其实母未必先死,但若根低,则主人难有事业早起,家境贫寒,身体不好。

山根腾腾:直通印堂,色泽莹润,可名利女人额骨突出 面相,名于社会。

42 居所


这两部分与山根左右两侧的眼睛相连,关系到身体的健康和夫妻感情。 他们应该保留和清洁; 男主丧妻,女主丧夫。


45 寿尚

个人健康和六亲关系正直,骨节不外露,​​骨节不歪。 如果年龄变黑,健康就会开始恶化; 青黑,主受亲戚包袱,必亏本。


即鼻子圆润挺拔,丰满多肉,色泽鲜黄,财运旺。 忌尖头挂、露、色焦,主财运极差。 又书曰:准头有肉心,无毒。


50 魏霆

女人额骨突出 面相






鼻丰挺挺,无鼻梁,头圆,色泽光润。 主人公平和,不咄咄逼人,心地善良,多情,但往往有功。


鼻子的形状在生命的年龄是突出的。 鼻柱虽大,肉薄,但主父母关系薄弱,小伙克制父亲。






即兰亭之大,主要是灾祸多灾多难,重业难积。 鼻子不规则:主要意图不正确。 他们虽然无意害人,但也自私忘恩负义,经常从事非正统行业。




鼻孔露在外面,像猪鼻子。 是辛劳、财物亏本、家庭积聚困难、客死异乡之兆。




虽无害,却也无情。 鼻子尖而斜,心思凶恶,鼻尖突出如鹰嘴钩钩,则为最凶恶险恶之人。


鼻梁微挺,外露如剑脊。 主上一生忙忙碌碌,得不到亲人的帮助,冷酷无情,忘恩负义。


鼻尖倾斜成鹰嘴的形状。 主人自私自利,不惜损人利己,聪明狡猾,心狠手辣。 他是最阴险毒辣的人,所以要小心。


准头上的黑气划过两颊,侵入命门。 主死之兆,当在十日以内。 这有点蓝光,有点灾难。


山根黄气上至印堂,延伸至日月角。 主人有事业拓展或晋升之喜。











方下巴与其他部位一样,未受损伤,说明性格倔强,诚实勤奋,意志力强。 女人不管在家里还是在厂里,都是蓬头垢面,只知道努力工作。 其他部位不好,主固执,行事强硬,皮糙肉厚,让人害怕。





下巴像酸梅一样凹凸有致,主角倔强洁癖。 比如鼻梁没有肉,头尖代表晚景寂寞。






主正直严肃,有忍耐力,做事坚持到底,但感情脆弱,有情有义,愿意为朋友牺牲,对家庭很负责。 女人内柔外刚,受欢迎,乐于助人。


主感情丰富,意志坚强,乐于助人,待外人胜过亲人,执行力强,有野心。 如果其他部分配合得好,他可能会成为社会上的知名人物。 女性要注意子宫的问题。



In the universe, everything is inseparable from the changes of yin and yang and the five elements, and physiognomy is no exception. The length, width, and narrowness of the face are related to the five elements. According to the Lingshu Sutra, it can be summarized into five types: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. And each type of shape is further divided into five types according to the size, yin and yang attributes of the five tones, and left, right, up, down, etc., which becomes 25 types; while in Western facial features, there are only three basic face shapes, and then three types. The ten most common face shapes are mixed and represented by ten fonts.

The shape of the face is large and sharp, which is called the heart nature in the West. It has many thoughts, cleverness, high comprehension, strong memory and intelligence, good at seizing opportunities, quick-witted brains, theory is more important than practice, and it is good at research, such as science. Law, medicine, etc., but weak self-confidence, easy to change things, and easy to get discouraged when things go wrong. However, people with this type of face have strong adaptability, but they are disadvantaged in love, because they love a lot. to be loved.

People with the letter A should cooperate, the sky should be vast, the brow bone should be high, and the ears should be pretty. If there is support, then the youth will have good luck and the evening scene will be beautiful; The nose should be big but the bridge of the nose should not have joints, because the joints are wood and the nose is Saturn, which is called wood restraining earth, and it will cause sharp rises and falls. If the upper lip is thick, the life expectancy will be long and intelligent, avoid shortening, such as blowing fire like a mouth, indicating unfavorable marriage and repeated career.

The literal meaning of A is like the five mountains are not worthy, which means that the master's parents are poor and hard-working, and they have left their hometown since childhood. Occupation is suitable for lawyers, professors, art and research industries, but if the mind is not right, it will become a twister master or the like.

A literal five elements belong to the wood shape

The face shape is narrow forehead and wide lower pavilion, less hair, red complexion, which is a deformation of nutrition, also called pear face; because of the narrow upper pavilion, the fortune before the age of 30 is quite repeated. Old age is getting better and better.

Literally has a round and literal character, strong material desires, indulges in lust, good food, blogging, talkative, etc., but has strong execution ability, can speak and do everything, and does everything by himself. Because of poor memory, doing things is a bit careless , regardless of details, quick to act, smart, high learning ability, if the eyebrows are long and black, they are loyal to their wives and children, thick eyebrows mean friendship, because they belong to the fire shape, they have a big temper, and it is best to match the literal shape of A.

The words should match the big mouth and big ears, otherwise, if the ears are big and the mouth is thin, it means short-lived. If you are sad at the age of thirty, you will die suddenly if you have a thin mouth. If you have thin ears, you will suffer for a lifetime. 幸福。 Literally, the main ancestral property is few, and the parents have no support. If you are unlucky, you will have to leave your hometown early in the morning, but the middle-aged eyes and sports will gradually get better. Wealth can't reach ten thousand gold, this is the fate that comes after suffering.

Literally in the shape of fire from the five elements

The face is short, round and square, round at three stops, thick muscles, thick eyebrows and big eyes, thick voice, vulgar face, teeth whistling, nose exposed, and ears turned back are earth-shaped, rich and noble, and good luck in life; but Has an irritable personality, has destructive thoughts, and has strong execution ability; however, he will have no end in doing things, has little ambition but restlessness, poor marriage, and no family values. If the bones are exposed and the flesh is thin, the voice is soft and the steps are light, and the five mountains are not enough, it is an exception, and the Lord will work hard all his life.

Tian literally five elements belong to soil shape

The shape of the face is narrow at the top, wide at the middle, and small at the bottom, like an edan-shaped face. Shenzi often has dual characters, with the characteristics of A and Youzi. From the age of fifteen to thirty, one should start a business on one's own. The age of thirty-one to fifty is more prosperous, but one must be restrained, and make early arrangements for the future. Be especially careful when you are between the ages of 41 and 43. If you are unrestrained, you will be lonely in the evening.

The literal meaning of Shen is more self-interested, with the face of a scheming master, who likes to flatter his superiors, but is good at teasing his subordinates, lazy and weak in execution, more indulgent in drinking, sex, gambling, etc., and has little affection for husband and wife. The outside is different from the inside and can tell lies. (A person with this face should not condone and foster adultery. If he makes a mistake, he must denounce it directly. After a few times, he will be afraid of you and respect you). The literal form of Shen avoids thin and flat nose, which indicates bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, gambling, and sex. Avoid too thick eyebrows, the main plan is difficult to achieve. It is suitable to be thin, but it will be short-lived if it is fat. It is advisable to have concave eyes. If they are convex, you will have bad luck in your life.

Shen Literally, the five elements belong to the shape of wood and fire

The face is round and the body is fat, with round eyes, ears, hands and feet. It is nutritious in Western noodles. The fat is thick, the hair is fine, and the complexion is white or black.Strong desires like eating and drinking, older people are mostly indulgent, like drinking, gambling, enjoying

, is a materialist; apart from desires, he has little ambition, is easy to satisfy, likes to be lively, speaks loudly, has no ideas in doing things, is lazy, likes to be greedy for petty gains, does things steadily and is not in a hurry, is a enjoyer rather than a practitioner; women's chastity concept is relatively strong Weak, unable to withstand temptation. If you have a big nose and big eyes, you will be wealthy; but if you have a big mouth, you will be out of line, and you will waste more money. The mouth should be moderate. For example, the face is loose, the ears are sticky, and the eyebrows are sparse. Extremely dark or extremely white skin indicates longevity.As bright as the five mountains

, you can get blessings; if you have net-shaped lines on your eyes, and your eyes are loose and drooping, you will be sad at thirty-two years old. It will be a bit feminine for men and a bit masculine for women. For example, those with smooth skin and cold meat have fewer children.

Circle literal five elements belong to water shape

The face shape is relatively square, and the body is strong. In Western noodles, it belongs to the bones and bones, and the hair is hard. 浓浓的眉毛。 White or yellowish complexion, hardworking, generous, conscientious, courageous, indomitable, strong executive ability, but weak in planning, strong in subjectivity, decisive and responsible, good at making friends, easy to establish reputation among friends , I don't have many fantasies. Although I have calculation skills, I am not good at managing money, and I am not lonely. The relationship between husband and wife is good. The same wording must have clear decrees, the ears must be thick, the lower jaw must be protruding upwards, and the mouth must be large, otherwise it is an exception. If the eyebrows are loose, career will be difficult; if the jaw is short, it will die early; if the face is large and the nose is thin, it will be unlucky, hard work, poor marriage and fear of death.

The same as the literal five elements belong to the metal shape

The shape of the face is narrower than that of the literal face, which is characterized by more bones and muscles, but less nutrition. The three stops are average and the belt is long. It has high intelligence and strong emotion, but often has troubles of conflict between reason and emotion. If the lower jaw is large, the emotion is heavy. In reason, the executive power can be more inclined to the emotional aspect. (The upper stop represents intelligence, main thinking ability, reasoning ability, and comprehensive ability; the middle stop represents executive power, master power, executive power, ambition, resistance and adventurous spirit; the lower stop represents lust, which mainly focuses on love and sexual desire). The literal character is hardworking, able to endure hardships and stand hard work, has a certain plan in doing things, but often ignores many small things in order to pay attention to one thing, easy to accept other people's opinions, sometimes modest, but sometimes thinks he is capable, weak in financial management, and not good at He saves money and is willing to help others, but he is often beaten up after helping others, and his hard work is useless; for such a person, you have to appease him, so that he can do his best to work with you.

Face-shaped people should avoid protruding nostrils, and the cheekbones must be slightly rounded to match the shape of the face. If the face is thin, the cheekbones should be thin. If the face is thin, the cheekbones should be thin. Careful, the sense of responsibility is not strong, the ability to manage people is not enough, there are many hobbies, because the upper, middle and lower stops are average and narrow, so the fortune is average, it is difficult to achieve a great cause, but food and clothing are not worrying.

Literally, the five elements belong to the golden wood shape

Crooked face, protruding cheekbones on one side, erratic personality, poor chastity concept of women, poor marriage, men like to criticize others, hard work in life, willing to work hard, diligent and frugal; if facial features are correct, people are happy Helping others is better than others; if the facial features are not correct, you will leave your hometown and well in your early years, and you will be very rebellious.

Mixed form with literal five elements

The face is large and the cheekbones protrude on both sides. The so-called cheekbones are seen behind the ears. It is generally considered to be an anti-bone shape. Happy to come up with ideas, strong organization, but when dissatisfied, be careful to destroy everything when leaving the job, vicious and destructive; like to wear a high hat, serious in love, but internal turmoil, women are prone to divorce, such as forehead lines, The Lord has worked so hard in his early years. If you can understand the personality of people with good facial features, you can communicate with them without conflict of interests. Because they are upright and upright, if you encounter difficulties, even if they help you, unless he refuses to agree, if you agree Will spare no effort to complete for you, is a trustworthy person. The so-called gills in the back of the head are regarded as rebellious, but in fact it is not necessarily true, because of strong subjective, self-willed revenge, if there is no conflict of interests, there is no need to be afraid; fortune is repeated throughout life, if the heart is planted, so that the next stop is full, the evening scene will not be good Difference.

Wind literal five elements are mixed forms

The face has high bones, three bones are exposed, frontal bones, cheekbones, cheekbones, nasal bones are straight, and the skin is tight and bony. It is extremely difficult to get along with others. It has high intelligence, but it is mostly used in bad ways. It is very vindictive and greedy. , stingy, selfish, ambitious, will use all means to harm others, self-interested, strong rebellious, many bad habits, no sense of family responsibility, female Kefu, poor marriage, hard life, unstable luck, often die unexpectedly, prone to neuropathy Occasionally, if you have a chance to succeed, you can't keep it for a long time, and you have no relatives to rely on; although your facial features are correct, you cannot share fame and fortune.


