
运势阁 阅读:87 2022-12-26 18:03:23 评论:0

房屋风水禁忌和开裂方法 建筑风水禁忌和开裂方法 一、建筑风水禁忌 (一)房屋风水禁忌 没有光照 很少有这样的情况导致阴气加重,阴气加重的直接结果一是脾气不好,夫妻间容易发生矛盾,二是财运最不利。 (2)右高左低的房子风水学说,左边是青龙,右边是白虎。 如果你住的房子右边有很高的房子,那你就要注意身体健康了。 如果遇到这样的房子,一来对财运不利,二来对身体也不好。 如果你住这房子之前运气一般,住进去之后运气就更差了。 像这样的房子,一定要早点解决,否则会很不利。 (3)卫生间或厨房应紧闭大门。 古语有云,流水难守。 比如卫生间或厨房对着门,就会形成“上水”直通“下水”的格局,不利于财运。 中心不应被污染。 这意味着房子的中心不应该用作厕所。 同时,厕所不要设在房子后半部的中央,刚好与大门成一直线,因为这样可能会造成财产损失。 1、卫生间风水的“四宜”(1)宜压凶,不可压吉。 (2)浴室、卫生间宜隐蔽。 (3) 浴室、厕所要保持清洁。 (4)浴室、卫生间应保持空气流通。 2、厕所风水上的“四不宜”(1)厕所不宜开在南方。 (2)厕所不宜开在房屋中间。 (3)厕所不宜开在西南或北方。

(4)浴室、卫生间不应改建成卧室。 (4)门正对大门或厨房。 如果阳台正对着门口或厨房,家庭中团聚的作用就会减弱。 夫易外遇,妻必有外遇,儿女不得回家。 窗帘可以作为屏障长时间保持关闭状态。 出入口大门不可正对阳台,形成所谓“穿心”,家中财运难聚,财运不顺。 前通后通,人财两空。 解决办法:做一个玄关柜,把大门和阳台的缝隙堵住,在大门入口处放一个鱼缸(打水的不要放鱼缸,可以用屏风代替)。 建筑风水禁忌及开裂 1、厨房布局 厨房灶台必须坐不好才能达到风水的原则。 若地处吉尔吉斯斯坦,则家庭人口健康,夫妻关系和睦。 反之,婚姻美满,常有争吵或生病。 2、厨房内的摆设,如炉灶、洗脸盆、碗碟架等,必须摆放在正确的位置。 灶台不宜用水龙头喷水,容易得痢疾和肠胃病。 如果水槽和灶台在一条直线上,则表示水火不相容,会影响夫妻感情和健康。 如果灶具与水龙头呈弧形(L形)放置,可避免水火的影响,也符合风水。 不要在厨房洗衣服。 洗衣机不宜放在厨房。 厨房被视为灶王爷所在的地方,非常神圣。 在里面洗不干净的衣服会影响运气。 3、餐厅的位置如果房子有层次,餐厅尽量设置在较高的位置,餐桌应该设置在空气相对旺盛的地方,这是对家庭成员有好处。 身体不适、肠胃问题、挣不到钱、头疼。

(2)厨房的灶台不要对着冰箱——家里人身体不好,亲戚经常吃药。 (3)厨房灶台不宜正对卧室门——丈夫不和谐、易怒、神经质。 (4)不要大量放置厨房用具——主要居住者腰痛、头痛、胃痛。 (五)阳台过道不宜对着灶台——主不聚财、腰痛、高血压(五)卧室布置 1、卧室门不宜对着镜子——主夫妻不和,精神软弱。 2、卧室门不宜对着床头——主要是神经痛、头痛。 3、不要对着房间床头的镜子——主要怀疑重病、做恶梦、神经痛。 4、梳妆台的镜子不要对着卫生间的门——主夫妻不和,容易发脾气。 5、卫生间门不要对着床头——主要是痛风、风湿、头痛。 6、床头靠卫生间墙壁不靠谱——主要是腰痛风湿痛。 7、床头不宜被横梁压住——主要是精神不振、精神紧张。 8、卧室的镜子不宜过多——主要是心神不定,多疑。 建筑风水忌讳和开裂(六)床头五忌 1、不宜面朝西,为凶脸。 2、不宜用横梁压顶,有压迫感。 3、不宜靠窗太近,容易受风受寒。 4、不宜正对镜子,反光不好。 5、不宜正对门,阳气容易外泄。 睡觉时头部一定要朝向正确的方向,因为这关系到健康和财运。 要想健康,床头要朝向天医的方向。 最好不要将灯具直接安装在人的头顶上。 对于卧室,最好不要将灯安装在直接照在床上的位置。

光会产生能量,会影响人气。 如果卧室面积太小,建议将灯设置在房间的一侧。 这样既不影响采光,又对居住者有好处。 (七)书房的布置 生意人求财,办公桌应摆在旺位。 对于学者或学生,将其设置在较低的位置更为合适。 1.床上的书柜不宜过重——主人身体虚弱。 2、书柜不要压在书桌上——主人心神不定,头晕目眩。 3、书桌不宜压在横梁下——主心散乱。 4、书房的灯光不宜太强——主容易疲劳。 5、自习室电器不宜过多——主要是头痛、注意力不集中。 6、不要在书房的墙上贴神像——主要是精神错乱、做噩梦、疑病。 @@@(8) 洞房忌讳 注重新人浪漫情调的人,通常会特别注意卧室的布置。 如果他们不懂风水的规律,只凭自己的喜好,往往弄巧成拙,花钱找罪。 有鉴于此,这里整理出一些卧室布置的风水禁忌,供大家参考,建筑风水禁忌破解 1、床单、被套上有大花的人更容易生女儿。 有龙有凤,必先见天,否则有压抑之感。 2、如果有小巷和马路,则不吉利。 3、卧室最好光线明亮,空气流通好(如果光线太暗,建议白天开灯); 明亮的光线会使人心情愉快,空气对流会使人健康。 4、卧室的颜色千万不能刷成粉红色,会引起神经衰弱,而且夫妻之间经常吵架,所以悲剧多。 5.卧室避免五颜六色的颜色(不要滚花油漆)。 6、卧室窗户不要挂风铃,容易让老婆头晕烦躁(蛋糕图案不吉利,圆床不吉利,天花板是圆的)。

7. 卧室的地板应该是浅色的(太暗了就好了)。 8、卧室地面最好不要铺地毯,容易受潮、发霉、损坏气管,尤其是地毯比较长。 9.卧室马桶不准冲床(冲头-头痛,冲肩-颈痛,冲腰-坐骨神经,肾,冲脚-脚酸,冲水-腹病。10.卧室不能横跨在房屋内外之间。在水平墙下(这种现象更容易加在楼上,使人心不安)。 (九)门的朝向 1.所有的门都应该是左开宜清静,故凡门开左为吉祥,即人应由内向外开,门把手应设于左方。门开反了,容易引起家庭纠纷。 2.门不宜正对电梯门。正对窗户、后门或厕所,正对会招致财运不佳,居民易患疾病,会在理财和投资上出现失误换钱,进进出出,损害家庭财富。 3、客厅宜设在屋前 进大门后首先看到的是客厅,而卧室、厨房等空间则应设在屋后。 空间利用颠倒,客厅错设在后方,会造成退居财运的格局。 门的斜角是斜的,不宜挂镜子,因为镜子有反光作用,容易阻碍家庭运势; 会造成财运不佳,失去机会。 吉祥物应放在旺旺的位置。 最好的办法是种植有生命力的阔叶绿植。 建筑风水禁忌与开裂二、客厅风水(一)如何提高客厅人气。 1、客厅不宜阴暗。 不宜选择太暗的色调。

2、客厅的地板不能高低不平,因为地板的高低起伏会导致家庭运势坎坷。 3、如果客厅横跨横梁,应加以装饰。 如果客厅的天花板上有横梁,会造成一种压抑感。 坐在梁下的人容易造成精神紧张,运气不佳。 尽快覆盖夹层天花板上的横梁。 (2)客厅宜多用圆形装饰品。 客厅是家人朋友聚会的地方,最需要营造一种热闹、和谐的氛围。 圆属阳,是运动的象征,所以圆形的灯饰、天花的造型、装饰都有一种热烈、活泼的气氛。 @@@(3)客厅不宜挂猛兽画,如挂花草、山水,或鱼、鸟、马、白鹤、凤凰等瑞兽,一般无忌。 但是,如果喜欢挂龙、虎、鹰等猛兽,需要特别注意面对画中的猛兽头部形成防御格局,切不可拿猛兽头部威胁自己向内,否则容易挂。 给家庭带来意想不到的灾难。 (4)客厅内不应堆放古董、杂物或装饰品。 如果客厅里摆满了古董、杂物和装饰品,就很容易积灰,影响空气的顺畅流动。 建筑风水禁忌与开裂 三、住宅风水画(一)住宅不适合画什么画 1、太暗、太黑的画不能买。 这些画看起来沉重,使人情绪低落、悲观、缺乏干劲。 2、不宜购买凶猛猛兽的图片,否则家人身体健康会很差。 3、不宜挂一幅以上的抽象人物画,因为这样会使家人情绪反复,心理失衡,容易紧张。

4、不要挂描绘日落的画,因为这样的肖像画有减弱气势的作用。 5、不宜挂已故亲人的画像,做事压力更大。 6、不宜挂瀑布之类的图画,因为这些图画的主人有反复的运气。 7、不要挂太多红色的肖像,因为这会使家人容易受伤或脾气暴躁。 相反,悬挂吉祥饰品会增添欢乐,带来财富。 福禄寿三星、九鱼(如)图、牡丹花、孔雀等吉祥摆件或图画,家家户户都适合。 (二)住宅装修注意风水 1、室内不宜挂的画有(1)室内装修有很多雕、孤石等风水,比如装饰画。 如果室内光线较暗,可以挂向日葵,以阳刚为准。 宜悬挂内容光明正大的图片,避免突兀的物体; 比如秃鹰和孤石。 (2)猫画、猫画不要直接挂在室内,容易造成灾害和盗窃; 又如存钱罐可以招财,放招财猪不如放招财猫。 2、挂画的朝向 (1)山水画 挂山水画时,要观察其流向。 若有船,船头应正对房间,寓意招财入室,满载而归。 (2)客厅挂摆钟好,大厅挂挂钟好,最好有摆锤。 因为当房间里没有人的时候,空气是静止的,摆钟是动静结合的。 钟的正面不能朝里,应朝向门口或阳台的方向。 建筑风水禁忌及开裂(三)风水鱼缸也有摆放金鱼缸的。 金鱼又称风水鱼。

绿色植物也是必不可少的,因为有生命力的植物可以让房间更有活力; 天花的颜色宜淡不宜重,因为轻气升天,浊气沉地。 吊顶宜采用浅色、明快的颜色,符合轻、重的意思。 (4)挂画与身份统一客厅挂的字画要符合自己的身份,根据农商商的不同职业挂不同的字画。 例如:商界人士挂关公画像或桃园三结图,以示忠义信用。 @@@3。 注意客厅的镜子。 客厅不宜随意挂镜子,风水凶。 但如果客厅的门正对着别人家的墙角或墙壁,挂一面镜子当屏风,可以化解不祥之气。 古人云:“善行之家,必多喜庆”。 当然,如果你实在没有太多时间或时间去处理室内风水问题,不妨多做一些善事,利人利己。 4、家里的财位 (1)客厅的财位 客厅是全家人聚会、会客的地方。 客厅有一个特殊的位置,关系到全家的运势、事业、名誉。 这个职位就是俗称的“财位”。 财运不动,所以财位在不动的一侧,一般在玄关的斜线上。 (二)财位注意事项 1、财位处如有窗,可用带内钉的胶合板墙面处理,以免财位外泄。 2、进门时最忌看到厨房灶台,或在客厅。 如果在家里碰巧看到,可以改变灶台的位置,或者在厨房门外做一个屏风高柜来挡住。

3、最好避免在客厅看到所有的房间门。 除了私密性差之外,还会给人一种大门敞开的感觉,让人有直奔龙门的感觉。 4、入口门也应避免直奔后门。 就像钱从前门进,从后门出一样,不能积累财富。 走道应避免笔直或水平,直通整个房间。 5、在客厅里,不要靠着厕所的墙,也不要在门口和厨房、厕所旁边。 6、餐桌不宜正对门。 如果实在无法避免,可以用屏风挡住。 自习室有哪些禁忌? 书房不能正对窗户,因为会造成“望天”,造成不良影响。 7、书桌不要正对大门。 居家种植宜选择叶片宽阔的植物。 避免选择叶子薄的仙人掌,容易引起纠纷。 家中的植物也要精心挑选。 不要种​​叶子细长的植物,容易与主人发生纠纷。 最好不要种植蕨类植物和葛藤。 这样的植物更阴凉。 如果它们长得很茂盛,它们很容易招来家里的“脏”东西。 建筑风水禁忌与开裂 五、购买适合自己的建筑 (一)购房者与五行的关系 1、春生人木多,好火,好金。 宜选择居住在南区和西南区。 房子的方位宜从北向南或从东北向西南。 2、夏生人暑热利金水。 宜选择西北区和北区居住。 房子的方向应该是东南向西北,南向北。 3、秋天生的人,多金,善火。 建议选择住在南区。 房子的方向应该是北向南。 4、冬生之人,水多,木火利。 宜选择居住在东南、南区。 房子的方向应该是从西北到东南,从北到南。 (2)房屋周围环境及风水屋前称“千朱雀”,亦称“明堂”。

很多风水师都会把窗户作为一个明亮的地方。 我们以房子里窗户最多的一侧为朝向。 窗外有以下条件是吉祥的。 1、窗外可以看到水池、游泳池; 2. 窗外可以看到公园和体育场馆; 3、窗外可看到停车场及周边道路; 4.窗外可以看到湖泊和河流; 5.窗外可以看到大海。 窗前见水是明水,可以加强财运,商务人士住在这样的楼房里,生意更加兴隆。 空窗无水,明堂宽阔。 虽然运势不如见水,但还是很稳定的。 无论房间是否有人居住,房间内的门窗都应保持开闭,让气势流动,让空气焕然一新。 做到“流水不腐,户枢不蛀”。 此外,门与门之间的缝隙不宜过大,以免财气受阻。 (三)选房应考虑的一些风水问题 1、街道不宜反弓。 ,这样的房子不宜购买,避之则吉。 2、避开天斩杀 所谓“天斩杀”,是指两座高楼之间的狭窄缝隙; 因似一刀从半空中斩成两半,故名天斩杀。 若是房屋对着“弑天”,说不定会有一场血雨腥风:缝隙越窄越凶险,距离越近越凶险! 填补空白的建筑物也可以。 建筑风水禁忌与开裂 3、忌箭耻 “箭阴”是指门外房屋尖角,射出如箭一般,俗称“箭阴”。

犯“箭煞”的家财无法累积,而造成财富流失的原因多与以下问题有关:因健康问题而流失财富; 因被人欺骗而损失财富。 辟邪之法应从“天地人”入手:把五皇子的钱藏在门槛上,是地化法; 门楣上挂一面凸镜,是天化之法。 拉环的兽头牌,这就是人性化的魔法。 (1)风要柔和,最理想的居住环境应该是柔和的微风缓缓吹过。 凉风带来凉意,符合风水之道。 如果发现房子附近风大,心急如焚,那就不要买,因为即使房子真的凝结了,也会被风吹走。 风水学最讲究“藏风聚气”,但是风大的地方绝对不是旺地! 需要注意的是,风太大不好,但是风太慢,空气不流通,那肯定不好。 土地! (2)阳光充足 阳宅风水最讲究阳光和空气,所以在选房时不仅要空气清新,还要有充足的阳光。 如果屋内阳光不足,往往阴气过重,会使屋内不宁,不宜居住。 (3)地势宜平坦。 如果房子仅次于斜坡,那么在购买的时候一定要非常小心,因为从风水学的角度来说,地势平坦的房子比较稳固,而斜坡则比较危险! 例如,房子的大门面对一个非常陡峭的山坡,不宜选择作为住所,因为不仅家财会外泄,而且家人也会走散,一去不复返。 一般来说,靠坡的房子容易亏本,而靠坡的房子容易损坏。 房子位于冲下的斜坡底部,因为煞气太快太强,经常会导致人员伤亡。

4、崖前寺后面不适合政府机关(尤其是派出所和军营),寺庙和道观后面不适合居住。 究其原因,衙门杀气很重。 如果你住在它的对面,你将首当其冲。 不忍则伤亡。 庙宇是阴气聚集的地方,不宜住得太近。 建筑风水禁忌及开裂(四)楼层选择建筑物的外部环境和山路是吉祥的,其居民通常被认为是吉祥的。 但是,由于命格和楼层数五行的问题以及磁场信息对人体的影响,在同一栋楼的同一栋楼里,不同时段居住者的财运会有差异。地板。 那么如何选择地板呢? 首先,我们要先了解天干地支。 甲子年、丙子年、戊子年、庚子年、壬子年,这些年的生肖是鼠,五行是水。 乙丑年、丁丑年、冀丑年、辛丑年、癸丑年,这些年的生肖属牛,从五行来看,他们属于地球。 甲寅年、丙寅年、戊寅年、庚寅年、壬寅年,这些年的生肖属虎,五行来说属木. 乙卯年、丁卯年、己卯年、辛卯年、癸卯年,这些年的生肖在五行方面是兔木。 甲辰年、丙辰年、戊辰年、庚辰年、壬辰年,这些年的生肖在五行上属龙属地。 乙巳年、丁巳年、己巳年、新巳年、癸巳年,这些年的生肖在五行方面是蛇和火。 甲午年、丙午年、戊午年、庚午年、壬午年,这些年的生肖属于马,从五行来看,属于火。

乙未年、丁未年、己未年、辛未年、癸未年,这些年的生肖属于羊,按五行来说,属于土。 甲申年、丙申年、戊申年、庚申年、壬申年,这些年的生肖属猴,五行属金。 乙酉年、丁酉年、己酉年、新酉年、癸酉年,这些年的生肖属鸡,按五生来说,属金。 甲戌年、丙戌年、戊戌年、庚戌年、壬戌年,这些年的生肖属狗,五行方面属土. 乙亥年、定亥年、己亥年、辛亥年、癸亥年,这些年的生肖属猪,在五行方面属于水。 (五)其次,还要了解楼层与五行的关系 1、一、六层属北,属水。 所以一栋楼的一楼和六楼属于水,尾数为一、六的楼层也属于水。 ,如十一楼、二十一楼、三十一楼等。 2、二楼、七楼属南,属火,故二楼、七楼属火,而尾数为二、七的楼层也属火,如12楼、22楼、30楼等。 建筑风水忌讳和开裂 3、三、八层属东,建筑三、八层属木,尾数为三、八。 三楼、三十三楼等等。 4、四、九层属西,属金阳台改厕所的风水禁忌,故楼四、九层属金,尾数为四、九的楼层亦属金,如十四层、二十-四楼、三十四楼、四楼等等。 5、第五层和第十层属于中心,土谷楼的第五层和第十层属于地层,尾数为五或十的层也属于地层,如十五层、二十层——五楼,三十楼等等。

6、楼层选择 五要素中的每一个要素都不是独立存在的阳台改厕所的风水禁忌,而是相互依存、相互制约的。 这就是五行相生相克的道理。 相生顺序是:火生土,土生金,金生水,水生木,木生火。 相克的顺序是火克金,金克木,木克土,土克水,水克火。 选择楼层时要注意:楼房五行对居住者的五行有相生相济的作用,则为吉祥。 反之,若有相克作用,则视为不吉利。 若楼数五行主命,助主命,则为吉祥。 抢师命,作倒霉论。 又主序五行胜数层五行,中论。 看小户型的风水禁忌 1:对门对着房子。 户型小的房子,室内空间小,就像肺活量小一样。 一对对户的室内面积比自己家的面积大(肺活量大),也就是说门与门之间距离的气场会被对面的户吸收。 由于运气的影响,我家客厅的面积已经太小不利于风水了,门外的灵气又被吸走了,更是雪上加霜。 住在这种房子里的人,想要拥有良好的人际关系并不容易,出现贵​​人就更难了,更何况工作和事业的对外推广,更是难上加难。 想一想,光环是被别人抢走的,代表人生的机遇,往往也很容易被别人抢走。 像这样的建筑结构是当今公寓或豪宅的常见布局,百分之九十九都是如此。 所以要找到门错的房子可能并不容易。

不过,天下无难事,只要你愿意,就算你被关在学校附近或者商圈附近,也能跑到几个地段。 Sometimes specially planned and built affordable housing has a better chance of finding a house with the wrong door than commercial and residential areas. . As an expedient measure, if the doors are facing each other, the distance between the two doors should be as large as possible. If you can't find a small house with wrong doors, at least look for a room with a relatively wide space between the two doors, or a relatively long distance between the two doors. Once the space distance is widened, even if the space of the opposite house is relatively large (big lung capacity), the air field between the two houses will be easily robbed by the small one, but it will not be completely taken away. If you suck it all up, your family can at least pick up some leftovers from other people's food. In this way, in terms of interpersonal relationships, there is more or less room for favorable development; opportunities for noble people to help each other will not be completely cut off; there is still the possibility of promoting external business development in work and career. No matter how difficult and embarrassing the situation is, you can find a little space and opportunity for survival from the cracks. Taboo 2: The toilet is located in the Neiming hall inside the main gate Fengshui disadvantages The toilet is located in the Nei Ming hall inside the main gate, which is also a common layout for small houses. Neimingtang is the area space inside the gate and also the location of the porch. It is in charge of the house's wealth path and wealth feng shui, representing the energy of making money. But the toilet is the place where we defecate, excrete, and create filth. It is in charge of bad things, bad things, being framed, and taking the blame. Affected by fortune When the "Neimingtang" meets the "toilet", the area in charge of wealth is occupied by the dirty smell of the toilet, or the toilet door is open, and the direct conflict blocks the way of wealth. Chaos, bad bad back to the end.

Lack of wealth luck, it doesn't matter if you can't make money, it's more likely that because of bad luck, you often encounter bad things, or you are framed by others, scapegoat, and eventually you lose your money and eliminate disasters. The key to finding a house is to buy or rent an existing house. Of course, this should be given priority. Don't choose a house with a toilet that is close to the inner hall, so as to avoid seeing the layout of the toilet as soon as you enter the door. If it is an off-plan house, you should also pay attention to the design drawings and carefully avoid this taboo. If the layout of the off-plan housing is like this, it is better to spend a little more money, and ask the real estate agent to modify the design drawings in advance and make slight adjustments in order to meet the conditions of good feng shui. As an expedient measure, if the toilet is located in the inner hall, the gate and the toilet should be separated. For small-sized houses, especially one-bedroom houses, it is easiest to design a pattern where the toilet is located next to the entrance of the gate. This kind of design is nothing more than to make full use of the space and make the layout of the small apartment more effective as much as possible; or to design the toilet in the inner hall inside the gate for the visual extension of the interior space. This kind of space design is most likely to affect external interpersonal relationships, and even lead to poor fortune. The best way to improve is to do a good job of ventilation and dehumidification system in the toilet, so as to avoid the leakage of dirty air, which will lead to the decline of the fortune of the residents. Taboo 3: The kitchen is located in the Neiming hall inside the main gate. Feng Shui disadvantages The kitchen is located in the Nei Ming hall inside the gate, which is also a common situation in small-sized houses. The main reason is that the space is limited. In order to create the width of other spaces, real estate developers can only make the kitchen area to do this planning. However, the kitchen is in charge of the feng shui of the treasury of the house. If this area is occupied by the kitchen, or the kitchen door is opened at this position, it means that once the wealth comes in, it will directly rush into the treasury without passing through the living room, dining room or room. .

Influenced by fortune, don't think that the money will go straight to the treasury, which means that the money will roll in. This is only half true. The reason is that the kitchen or kitchen door is in this area (inner hall). Nei Mingtang's wealth path and wealth space are under threat, and it is easy to be exhausted because you can't make money and are eager to make money. Once the money comes in, if there is no chance to pass through the living room, dining room, room and other spaces to create a good flow of indoor aura, although the people living in the house can earn money, they can't save much; even if they try to keep the money, I'm afraid It is also mean to the money saved by yourself and your family. In other words, you can only be a poor miser who treats yourself and your family harshly. House-hunting tips: Never choose a small-sized house with the kitchen located in the inner hall inside the gate. Similarly, if the layout of the off-plan housing is like this, it is better to spend a little more money, and ask the real estate agent to modify the design drawings in advance and make slight adjustments in order to meet the conditions of good feng shui. Taboo 4: The beam spans the middle of the house. Feng Shui disadvantages Small-sized houses have little space. If the beam is in the middle, it will create a strong sense of oppression and hinder the layout of the space. In terms of feng shui, if the beams of the house span the middle or above the open space (not on the wall), it will cause the problem of "network". "Ground net" means that the space of the house is coerced or the foundation of the house is lower than the road. "Tianluo" means that the ceiling has beams spanning the open space to cause oppression, or the building is pressed down by higher oppressors. For the people living in the house, the influence of fortune on the "heaven and earth net" is like being trapped by handcuffs and shackles, completely unable to display their abilities, and their career prospects can only wait for death; His life will continue to grope in the dark, and it is difficult to find a chance to turn around.

Home Finding Tips Never choose a small home with beams spanning the open space. The beams and columns should be at the top of the wall so as not to oppress the space of the small apartment. In fact, according to the principle of architectural structure and pattern design, the beam part should have been designed on the wall. But sometimes, due to the original space constraints, such as some irregularities, or other factors that hinder the load-bearing distribution of the building structure, or even the designer's supervision mistakes, the beams span outside the wall or span the In the middle of the room, it is not only unsightly, but also causes feng shui problems. Taboo 5: There are obvious evil spirits outside the house From the point of view of Feng Shui, if the house is compared to a person, a large-sized house is like a strong and healthy person, and a small-sized house is like a weak and weak person, so when there is an outsider outside the house, it is like a person. When there are evil forces (road bumps, house corners, wall knives, utility poles, high-voltage electricity towers, high-voltage wires, wireless base stations), the influence of hedging houses is naturally at a disadvantage compared to small-sized houses. Influenced by fortune Facing external evil spirits, people living in small-sized houses are more likely to be affected by fortune. Accidents such as car accidents and illnesses may occur, and life development is also prone to twists and turns. Even if the above-mentioned bad luck does not come, the development of interpersonal relationships and business on weekdays will often be hostile, pinched, attacked, and injured. Tips for finding a house Choose a small-sized house. You must not choose a house with evil spirits. Spend more time shopping around, learn about the surrounding terrain in detail, and try to avoid road bumps, house corners, wall knives, utility poles, high-voltage towers, High-voltage wires, wireless base stations, etc. However, what if the plan fails to keep up with the changes, and it was an auspicious place when you bought or rented a house, but later there are evil spirits, what should you do at this time? In addition to the ultimate solution to moving, you can also use some methods to resolve it.

Taboo 6: Choose small-sized apartments in mixed-sized apartments. Small-sized houses are already small in size. If they are mixed with other large-sized houses on the same floor, they will fall into the situation of "chicken standing apart", and the Fengshui magnetic field may cause problems. It all has to be robbed by others, and when you get lucky, how can you get your own small house buried in a large apartment? Fortune influences "a group of chickens and cranes" means that you are in a group of people who are more advantageous than yourself. People who live in such small houses will have future development in life, good luck and good opportunities. People with connections take it away. Many developments are afraid of being married, and all the hard work is in vain. On the contrary, "stand out from the crowd" means that you are in a group of people who are weaker than yourself. People who live in this kind of house are more able to compete with others in their peers or in the same industry in terms of future development in life, and they are more organic. Luck can express itself, stand out, have a place, and open the bright road of life in the future. Tips for finding a house So when choosing a small-sized house, if there are all small-sized houses on the same floor, it is recommended that you choose the larger or largest house among all the small-sized houses. It means that even if you are a flock of chickens, you have to be the head of a flock of chickens, which is equivalent to the meaning of "stand out from the flock", and you can have the fortune of being the best and outstanding.


