
运势阁 阅读:52 2023-02-05 08:13:46 评论:0

2023年兔年即将到来。 相信很多人都已经开始为新的一年的工作、生活、学习、投资、置业、买房等做新的计划和准备,所以要知道新年风水环境的吉凶方向提前,可以结合每个人的八字、五行、流年运,适时调整风水布局。 相信一定能帮助提升家庭运势和个人运势,有助于家庭兴旺、身体健康、事业顺利、财运旺盛、家庭幸福、生活幸福。 快乐的。

为满足广大新老客户线上线下的需求,郑居士为您提供2023年九宫飞星图与宫位的风水吉凶预测布局咨询,希望对易友有所帮助。 由于九宫飞星的风水布局会直接影响到主人和每一位家人的运势,所以每年及时了解九宫飞星的风水是非常重要的。

那么,如何才能顺利选址,规划出三元不败的风水布局呢? 如何调理化解家居、办公室风水上的各种煞气,趋吉避凶? 2023年,如何结合流年飞星九宫顺利运筹,促进财运、旺运、事业、姻缘、运势? 如何结合个人八字,成功安排安全、健康、和谐、宜居的工作和生活环境?

郑居士秉承恩师邵卫华所著《风水法则》的总则,结合自己多年的实地考察、实践、科学研究,以及对大量阳宅风水经典案例的考证,他的经验总结。 有助于大家转运,改善居家办公风水环境,提升自己和家人的运势,达到天人合一,风水兴旺,家财旺盛的效果和富民,避邪。

根据九宫飞星与2023癸卯流年的宫位关系,综合研究分析,做出吉凶预测。 九宫飞星图每年都在变化。 随着时间的推移,每颗星星飞翔的方向也会发生变化; 如果能够遵循风水规律,进行合理布局,将有助于提升家居风水气场,促进家庭和睦,身心健康,居家平安。 如果不注意调整和解决,可能会直接影响到自己和家人的健康和运势。

应易学爱好者的强烈要求,今天郑居士结合九宫飞星图给大家分享一下《2023魁卯流年家居风水、办公室风水、店铺风水、工厂风水》等。调整相应房屋位置的布局。 一起来看看2023年九宫飞星图的吉凶方位、属性和影响范围:




六白五曲金星:此星主掌权势大小,亦可驱台马。 主要是事业变动、军职、财运。



如果以上五颗吉星都飞在吉祥的位置,再加上房子的布局合理,结合招财主的命理八字布局,一定会给招财主带来新的一年的好运。 九宫飞星的位置若是规划不好,就算吉星到位,也起不到好的作用。 如果吉星不能用来给主人带来好运,那么吉星的意义也就失去了。






以上四凶星若飞在有风水吉祥的地方,则其凶性会小一些; 、重病和伤亡。 所以,如果家庭风水有这么大的煞气,一定要请专业的风水师上门勘察布局,加以解决。

2023年龟卯兔年,一白贪狼水星飞西南坤宫,二黑巨土星飞东方真宫,三璧木星飞东南太阳宫,四颗绿色文昌木星飞向中宫,五颗黄色木星飞向中宫。 莲真土星西北飞干宫,六白金星西飞兑宫,七赤破军金星东北飞艮宫,八白土星南飞离宫,九紫幽闭火星飞向北方的阚宫。

2023年龟卯流年居家办公风水立宫正南是白八星的到来,正东是今年太岁的逝年方向。 菜王顶的风水布局。 这一年,居所和办公室的西北干宫是流年五黄煞中最凶恶的。 请特别注意驱散这里的邪气,让家人一年四季平安健康。 2023年是贵卯兔年。 海猫尾有三合木局,东木旺。 (申有虚)为三煞(申为劫煞,酉为灾煞,戌为年煞)的方位。

2023年,如果你打算装修房子或者盖新房子,就要注意了。 今年的宫位在东方太岁方位(也值得流年病符降临)、西北旱宫五黄煞、西方三煞方位。 是的,如果是在本命年或合八字,则有刑冲冲破或犯太岁,大运运势不利,切记以上不要贸然行动方向,否则可能引发灾难。 如果以上方位有门、灶台、床或书桌,建议请专业风水师实地勘察解决。 详情可参考以下2023鬼卯流年九宫飞星图阳宅风水规划布局图:


2023年癸卯流年,八佰土星将飞入离宫南面,是流年推财的重点方向之一。 八佰星属旺财星,五行属土,大有财运、升官之功,也是财运进出之吉星。 八百座符星是所有吉星中最大的吉星。 飞入宅邸南面,与宫星火土相合,可增加八佰土星的旺盛。 风水布局得当,对家中的中年女性有利,也有利于家庭的整体运势,更有利于家庭兴旺、身体健康、工作顺利、财运亨通。 . 想要求财、事业兴旺、置业置业的家庭,今年可以好好安排南位,表示家中有喜事,财运亨通,心想事成。 如果布置不当,则对家中女性的运势不利,财运不佳。 尤其要注意防小人、八卦、官差、疾病、财灾。 如果房子的南方有灶具和厕所,并且外部环境邪恶,则不吉利,需要严防火灾或家庭健康问题。 家庭成员要注意预防眼病、心脏病、幻觉、烧伤、日光病、放射病、乳腺病、充血性炎症、温性病、发热、黄尿、血液病、妇科病、囊肿、前列腺肥大、头晕、心烦、烧伤、电伤等。


今年的房子正南位是2023年的大财位,宜开门开窗吸气。 财位要保持清洁卫生,阳光充足。 不宜为了改善风水而放置杂物和保持空气流通。 如果你家的大门、卧室或办公室的门正好在南方,可以在门口铺上红垫子,可以促进财运。 家居风水布置在这个位置要加强财星的力量2022年家居风水,可以摆放催财吉祥物,比如中国结、红色福字、红色摆件、吉祥字画、紫水晶摆件等,或者摆放红色花朵和绿色植物催财。 家居、公司或店铺的南面宜放置一些寓意好的吉祥物,如【开光招财白菜】、【开光聚宝盆】、【开光招财金蟾】或保险柜等贵重物品可以起到聚财、带来更多好运的作用。 南方的住宅喜水,可以布置风水轮、鱼缸等来招财。 如果住宅南面有灶具或厕所,或外部环境危险,需要严防火灾或家庭健康问题和经济损失等,必须请专业的风水师上门。网站调查布局并解决它。


2023年癸卯流年,六颗白金星飞入正熙兑宫,可招来横财和贵人。 六颗白星虽然是凶星,

但它也是三大吉星之一。 如果布局得当,也能旺财运,但需要合理布局内外风水环境,才更能起到促进财运的作用。 如果主人没有工作,正在找工作,或者是初入职场的朋友,布置好这个位置就显得尤为重要,可以给家人带来好运,找到理想的工作。 如果安排得当,可以得到贵人的支持。 家居风水布局中,如有门、床、书桌、灶具等在正西,需结合八字来调整解决,否则运势波动大,易犯一些错误。

府邸的西边,就是流年三煞的方向。 不宜放置刀剑等利器。 可能会酿成血雨腥风,甚至作小人,造成经济损失。 家庭成员易患疾病、感情纠纷、八卦、官司等。 家居风水布局不当,家人要注意预防口腔疾病、咳嗽、痰多、气虚、胸部疾病、食欲不振、膀胱、尿道口、肛门疾病、性病、低血压力、贫血、外伤、手术、皮肤病、头痛等。头部外伤、气管疾病、视力不佳。 白虎强于青龙,也会阻碍事业发展,不利工作和转业,贵人不能尽心尽力,财运受损。 建议提前解决问题,减少飞星带来的负面影响。


2023年,六白五曲星飞向正西,居所正西为白虎,正合太岁岁破位置和三煞位置。 要保持清洁卫生,采光要好,要经常通风,保持通畅,不宜放置太多杂乱的物品。 不宜有大声的电器,否则会导致主人财运下降,招来八卦,不利于求财。 如果门开在房子的西边,宜在门口铺上黑灰色的地毯。 如果因房子西面而有灶内煞气,风水学上称为“白虎煞”,必须请专业的风水师到现场勘察化解。

2023年,六白武曲星西飞。 今年飞星与宫星相合。 可以在这个位置重点布置2022年家居风水,促进偏财的风水。 可以布置在住所或办公室的西侧。 、【开运水晶球】、【开运铜葫芦】等。 房子西面喜水,可布置风水轮、鱼缸等,或种植水养招财竹、金钱草、招财树促财运,可提升主人及家人的运势,助事业晋升,财运亨通,一路顺风。


2023年兔年,一只白色贪狼水星飞到贵宅西南的坤宫。 这颗星是当前运势的未来旺星,它所去的方向是吉祥的方向。 贪狼星代表人缘、感情、桃花,同时财运旺,善用它可以提升桃花运、贵人运和人缘。 白星对未婚男女最为吉祥,风水布局合理,有利于增进爱情和感情。

需要注意的是,如果夫妻的主卧位于桃花位,不仅不能增进感情,反而会招来烂桃花,使夫妻互相猜忌,口舌纷争,甚至导致夫妻关系不和谐。 已婚人士还是要注意解决,毕竟婚姻运势旺盛,往往容易招来祸患,导致第三者破坏家庭,避免婚外情,更不会造成感情破裂婚姻。 今年主宅在西南的已婚男女求子困难,尤其要注意中年男性的健康运势不利。 请注意提前请专业风水师实地勘察调整。 如果您怀孕了,您应该更加注意儿童保护。 活动,以免引起流产意外。

西南坤宫五行属土,一白五行属水,宫星克飞星。 主人不利于主人与家人的感情、事业、健康和人际关系,必须调整布局来化解。 布局不当,主人或家人多病,要小心预防容易发生意外的事故。 比如房子的大门、主人房的床、书桌、灶台、厕所都在房子的西南方向,所以要特别注意自己的健康问题,因为疾病非常高。 如有不适,应及时就医,以免延误病情,造成更严重的后果。

西南方位也是本家女主人的宅邸。 特别注意预防腹部疾病、脾胃病、饮食积滞、食积不化、腹痛、脾虚腹胀、水肿、湿重、皮肤湿疹、疮疡、乏力、乏力、气虚、头晕、低血压、气短、小便不利、寒湿等。或家人易患其他疾病或慢性病难愈,家中风水气势很不利. 应尽快解决,以保护家人的健康和运气。 密切关注自己和家人的健康变化,在年初尽早做一次全面体检,防患于未然。


2023年,一颗白色的贪狼星会飞到你家的西南方向。 不要堆放杂物垃圾,保持整洁干净,否则容易招致烂桃花和风流韵事,不利于事业和感情的和谐稳定。 西南是八运中大五黄煞的方向,宜静勿动。 不宜进行大兴土木、开工、大修,也不宜放置红色、紫色物品。 病痛、流血、灾难、财亏、意外、小人等。 尤其是怀孕的女性,更要注意身体健康,最忌在这个位置破土动工。 西南方向有大五黄煞飞来,建议放置【开光华沙八图大铜铃】、【开光华沙招财林】、【开光铜葫芦】、【开光花沙桃木剑】等. 来镇宅辟邪,尤其是铜铃化解五黄煞,铜葫芦藏病气,促进健康,有辟邪招财之功效。 铜葫芦可以释放和储存乡土的负能量,可以保全家人平安健康,还可以达到消灾解难的效果。



2023年,四颗绿色文曲星飞入居所中宫,中宫位代表流年最旺的文昌位,有利于提升学业运、事业运、官运。 四绿星虽然是凶星,但是它有一个好处,就是可以提升学习和学业运势。 四绿文曲星掌管家庭学业、事业、升学、考试、文职。 四青五行属木,宫五行属土,文曲星克宫。 注意家中大厅中央不要放置过多的金属摆件,也不要大面积破土动工,否则会影响吉星。 甚至会影响家人的健康。 此方位若风水布局合理,主要有利学业、考试、进修、名誉和文职工作。 如果家里有孩子上学,可以将孩子的学习桌或床放在文昌位,这样可以帮助他们在学习上取得更好的成绩,对学习的态度更加专注和专心。 在考试的过程中,你也能表现出色,避免学习上的失误和失​​误。


2023年中工定向最大的好处就是提高读书和考试的运势,有利于提高公务员的运势。 如果中宫的风水布局不当、杂乱无章,今年主人的运势会趋于下降,尤其是从事科技行业、房地产行业、矿业、农业的人。 这种趋势更加明显。 中央宫殿内不要放置镜子、衣架、金属制品等。 尤其要注意心肺脾胃功能不好的人,更要注意维护自身的健康。

今年居室中宫风水布局宜放置四笔笔架,并种植四福竹等水生植物,以弘扬文昌。 建议将它们放置在住宅和办公室的中央宫殿。 吉祥盘]、[开光文昌塔]、[开光文昌笔]、[开光文昌符]等增强文昌能量场的凝聚力,有助于提高学习效率和考试成绩。 促进学生在流年里思维活跃、考试顺利、学业有成; 促进文昌运的同时促进事业顺利,流年事业兴旺,名利双收。


2023年兔年,九紫星、火五行飞正北观宫。 九紫星属于未来的繁荣之星,是喜庆之神。 、置业等吉祥事件。 九子星属火,飞到正北坎宫属水,是宫中之星。 此位若安排得宜,可招吉庆喜,财官兼备,男女增补。 、婚姻不和谐、财运受损等。比如主人和家人容易患肾、膀胱等泌尿系统疾病、糖尿病、血液病、出血性疾病、性病、生殖器疾病、中毒、耳病、背部疾病、心脏病、疲劳、腹泻、水肿、免疫系统疾病等。 求姻缘旺的家庭,今年一定要安排好正北位,意味着家中有喜事,姻缘圆满,姻缘成立,好事成双. 家居正北位置,常年保持清洁明亮。 必须每天清扫,开窗通风。

在八大运势中,九子星是一颗吉星,代表会有各种喜事,可以带来姻缘、人缘、事业和财富。 九子火星若飞入家门床榻,则有利于家庭兴旺。 若能结合个人命理、风水调整,可促进个人姻缘、人缘、事业、财运等。


这一年,九紫星飞向北方。 若宅北有火炉,九紫星属火。 飞到火炉上,加强了火的威力。 有必要对火灾或家庭健康问题采取严格的预防措施。 推荐使用【开光辟邪麒麟八卦镜】、【开光辟邪铜葫芦】化解保平安。 如果房子的北面有门、床、书桌等,可以在门口铺上红地毯来化解。 贪狼星代表桃花、感情、人缘。 如果在住宅大厅的北面可以放置大红花或悬挂大红中国结、百福图、鸳鸯、龙凤祥瑞图或其他吉祥物,可以促进姻缘和人缘。 ,助长九紫祭星之力。 这样可以催化更多的家庭喜事,化解其他一切不利的气场因素。

6、第一凶位:居所西北(五黄煞星飞连真) 五黄煞,主凶祸祸患

2023兔年,五黄连禛土星飞入宅西北干宫,宫星五行金,五黄煞星五行土,五黄邪星飞向西北而衰弱,但这是一颗专门惹祸的大邪星,是九星中最凶星,被称为“大邪星”,而流逝的五颗黄色邪星必须安排和解决。 黄煞五星又称“正官煞”。 当它们出现故障时,它们代表疾病、流血、灾难、经济损失、事故和其他不祥事件。 这颗星也容易招来煞气、辟邪。 如果不妥善解决,会威胁到家庭运势和家人健康。 主人及家人要注意预防头病、胸病、骨病、硬化症、老病、老病、伤寒病、异变病、急性突发病、大肠病、便秘、硬化症、右腿病等. .

因为五黄连珍代表着灾难、灾祸和意外,会对人的运势造成极大的干扰。 不管是家里还是办公室,在装修的过程中,注意不要将黄色或红色的物品摆放在西北方向,因为这些有颜色的物品会引起风水场的混乱,可能会给全家带来巨大的灾难和打击,后果不堪设想。

2023年,飞向西北方向的五颗黄色煞星,是最危险的位置。 若五颗黄色煞星恰好飞过主人的大门、房门、床、灶台、书桌等处,尤其是灶台设在西北方向,则更为方便。 是风水学上的一大忌讳,“火天门”,煞气浓重。 再加上今年的五黄煞星要来了,更是雪上加霜。 建议请专业风水师上门调查解决。 疫情当前,我们更要防止家人生病。 今年需要特别注意解决,否则主人或家人很可能犯错、重病、大祸、经济损失等。


2023龟卯兔逃年宅宫 中宫是今年最凶的位置,要及时想办法调整,以免影响自己的发展和健康运势。 如果想要化解武皇连真星带来的负面影响,可以在西北放置或悬挂一些金属吉祥物来化解,比如【开光镇宅华沙铜铃】、【开光华沙八卦铜葫芦】、【开光华沙八卦铜葫芦】五帝铜钱】等综合化解流年五黄煞,可化解煞星干扰,改善家居风水气场。 尤其是八卦纯铜葫芦,具有独特的消病强身、辟邪招财的功效。 铜葫芦可以释放和储存乡土的负能量,可以保全家人平安健康,还可以达到消灾解难的效果。 另外要特别注意的是,五黄煞为流年过年煞,五黄煞星飞向房屋西北方向。 此地应安静不动,不得施工、动土、修缮。 住宅西北方向要保持清洁卫生,无垃圾桶,无杂物堆放,保持光线通透,空气流通。


2023年兔年,二黑病符东飞,震宫。 两颗黑星属于土星,是凶星。 It is the second most inauspicious star in the Eighth Luck. It is called the disease amulet. Light, financial disaster, etc. This year, Saturn, the second black disease talisman, flies to the due east, and the palace star restrains the flying star's viciousness slightly, but it must be taken seriously. The due east position is also the house of the eldest son in the family. If the layout is not proper, the male master or other family members will suffer from many diseases, so be careful to avoid accidents that are prone to accidents. If the gate of the house, the bed in the master room, the desk, the stove, and the toilet are located in the east of the house, you should pay special attention to your own health problems this year. If you feel unwell, you should seek medical treatment in time to avoid delaying the condition and causing more serious consequences.

Special attention should be paid to the prevention of mental illness, mania, neurasthenia, epilepsy, nervousness, shock, gynecological diseases, liver fire, liver disease, painful symptoms, leg pain, ADHD, trauma, etc., or because family members suffer from diseases or Chronic injuries are protracted and difficult to heal. You must pay close attention to changes in your own and your family's physical health. At the beginning of the year, you must have a comprehensive physical examination as early as possible to prevent problems before they happen.

Lucky and prosperous house method:

In 2023, the two black disease talisman flies to the due east of the house, and the 2023 Guimao Tai Sui position is also due east, so this place should be quiet and not moving. Remember not to break ground, start construction, or build on Tai Sui, otherwise disasters will be caused. , disease, blood, disaster, bankruptcy, accident, villain, etc. Especially for pregnant women, they need to be more careful about their health, and they should avoid breaking ground. The due east position of the house this year is the financial position in 2023, and this position must focus on promoting prosperity in order to stimulate the wealth of the house. According to the layout requirements of feng shui, the Zhengdong Tai Sui orientation of the residence should be kept clean and hygienic, and the doors and windows should be opened to attract qi. It is not suitable to place sundries.

The feng shui layout of this orientation requires that the east green dragon should be high, and the west white tiger should be low. Green plants such as money trees, fortune trees, and green radish can be placed to help stimulate the power of the green dragon. If the door of the house is opened in the east, a screen can be arranged at the door to defuse it, and a green carpet should be chosen for the door. It is recommended to place 【Consecration Huasha Eight Diagrams Copper Kirin】, 【Consecration Huasha Eight Diagrams Copper Gourd】, 【Consecration Huasha Five Emperors Money】and 【Consecration Huasha Copper Bell】to town house to transform evil spirits, especially Bagua Copper Gourd has the effect of storing disease gas, promoting health, dispelling evil spirits and attracting wealth. The copper gourd can release and store the negative energy of the rustic, which can keep the family safe and healthy, and can also achieve the effect of eliminating disasters and solving difficulties.

8. The third evil position: the southeast of the residence (Sanbi Lucun star flies to come) the right and wrong position: the main right and wrong, official disaster

In 2023, the Year of the Rabbit in Guimao, the Sanbi Lucun star flies to the southeast of the residence. This star is a right and wrong star, which is mainly about competition, right and wrong, contradictions, fights and quarrels. The five elements of Sanbi Lucun star belong to wood, and the house position strengthens the power of Sanbi Jupiter. This evil star needs to prevent family members from illness, tongue, right and wrong, and financial disasters. It should prevent colds, strokes, wind, neurological symptoms, and gall bladder. disease, infectious disease, sciatica, neuralgia, lymphatic disease, cramps, ankylosing syndrome, wheezing, asthma, depression, vascular disease, etc. If the feng shui layout in this direction is unreasonable, such as the door, bed, stove or desk in the house is set in this place, you should pay attention to adjust and resolve it, so as not to cause family disharmony, resulting in constant verbal disputes between husband and wife, or conflicts with family members Intensification, making people more mood swings, prone to temper tantrums.

It is also necessary to prevent provoking right and wrong when going out, as it is easy to get framed by villains, cause physical conflicts with others, and cause a great negative impact on interpersonal relationships. Gossip is constant in the workplace, and he is easily suppressed by leaders and colleagues. He often encounters gossip at work, which brings many troubles to life. If the child's study room is located in the southeast this year, it must be adjusted and resolved, otherwise it will affect the child's school or workplace, and the child will be attacked by many villains, and his own situation will become very difficult. When going out to gather with friends this year, do not set the meeting place in the southeast, otherwise serious conflicts and disputes may arise over a certain topic during the gathering.

Lucky and prosperous house method:

In 2023, the Year of the Rabbit in Guimao, when the three blue stars fly to the southeast, it will cause bad interpersonal relationships, easily lead to gossip, even offending officials, and losing money. The Feng Shui layout of the home should be proper. The southeast of the house is Wenchang. It should not be empty, and it is not suitable to grow water and green plants. If the bed, stove or desk in the residence is set up here, be sure to ask a professional Feng Shui master to conduct an on-site survey and guide the layout to resolve it. If you open the gate in the southeast of the house, you must set up a screen to defuse it, and use a red carpet to defuse it at the gate. It is recommended to use [Kaiguang Zhenzhai Huasha Peach Wood Sword], [Kaiguang Zhenzhai Huasha Gourd] ornaments or other red dragon ornaments, Chinese knots, etc. to resolve the bad aura of the three green right and wrong stars, which can promote noble people and auspiciousness. Luck, resolving villains, can also have the effect of seeking good luck and avoiding evil, making the wealth and wealth prosperous in the fleeting years and the family home peaceful.

9. The fourth most inauspicious position: Northeast of the house (the Qichi Pojun star is coming) The financial position: the main financial loss, wealth luck

In 2023, the Year of the Rabbit in Guimao, Qichi Pojun Star flies to the northeast of the residence. This star is also called Pojun Star, and its destructive power is very strong. Its vicious nature is more powerful, so special attention should be paid to disaster prevention this year. This inauspicious star is associated with ruin, wine and sex, officialdom, thieves, robbery, financial misfortune, easy to be framed by villains, etc. This year, special attention should be paid to safekeeping of property, and special attention should be paid to anti-theft doors and windows in the northeast of the house. This star will bring about serious financial losses. Boys may fall into a sex trap, and women may spend a lot of money on luxury goods, plastic surgery, etc.

The northeast direction of the house is the position of the eighth luck. Keep it clean and hygienic. It is not advisable to place too many messy items. If the Feng Shui layout of the home is not proper, it will hinder the development of the career, which is not conducive to work and job transfer. Diseases, bloody disasters, crimes against thieves, entanglement with officials and non-governments, etc., it is recommended to resolve them in advance to reduce the negative impact of flying stars.

Lucky and prosperous house method:

In 2023, it is not advisable to place damaged, sharp, or open utensils in the northeast direction of the residence, otherwise it will lead to career decline, poor financial luck, provoke tongue, and official complaints, etc. Whether you are at home or outside, you should be low-key this year, and you should not show off your wealth too much, or you may encounter accidental robbery or bankruptcy. Seeking wealth and development abroad, the northeast direction is unfavorable. In addition, if there is an open door, bedroom or kitchen evil in this direction, it is recommended to ask a professional Feng Shui master to investigate and resolve it on the spot. This year, the northeastern part of the house should be clean and quiet, without any debris, and keep it unobstructed. You can place a black and gray carpet at the door to resolve it. It is recommended to place [Consecrated Lucky Pixiu], [Consecrated Crystal Ball for Lucky Fortune], [Cornucopia for Lucky Fortune], feng shui wheels, fish tanks, aquatic plants, etc. , can improve the fortune of the owner and family members.


New and old customers and friends who have invited the elite Feng Shui master Zheng Jushi to adjust the layout of their home Fengshui, office Fengshui, shop Fengshui, factory Fengshui, etc. in the past 2022 should pay attention. The layout of Fengshui is also different every year. The layout must be readjusted according to the different blessings and taboos of the owner and each family member. Some Fengshui charms and mascots need to be readjusted when the new year is approaching, usually around the beginning of spring. , please make an appointment directly to consult Zheng Jushi for the specific Fengshui layout.


In 2023, in the Year of the Rabbit, the five yellow evil stars fly to the northwest of the house, and the two black sickness stars fly to the due east of the house, so they are located in the northwest and due east of the house, including the northwest and due east of all places such as homes, companies, factories, and shops. It is not advisable to hang red mascots, such as Chinese knots, national flags, red calligraphy and paintings, red ornaments and other decorations. They must be removed in time, otherwise they may cause trouble and lose money.

This year Tai Sui is in the due east, Sui Po Fang is in the due west, the three evil spirits are in the due west, the big five yellow evil spirits are in the southwest, the fleeting five yellow evil spirits are in the northwest, and the sick talisman is in the due east. It is advisable to be still and not to move. It is not advisable to start work, build or break ground in this direction, otherwise there will be disasters, remember! For the specific planning and layout of Yangzhai Fengshui, a professional Fengshui master must be invited to the site for investigation and guidance. No matter what feng shui layout you do, you must not deviate from the factor of "harmony between man and nature". You must adjust the layout according to everyone's horoscope and five elements, and you must not make a random layout. 记住!

Guangzhou Zheng Yixin Yixue Planning Consulting Co., Ltd.



